Don't leave me hanging part 43

Welcome to the forty-third part of my first story quiz! If you haven't already read the others, you might want to, so you can understand the story. I am SO sorry for being away for such a long time. I always meant to come back, but I wanted to come back bearing lots of goodies for you all, so I kept postponing the release. I realize now that I should've just posted as soon as I could rather than worry. For that, I'm sorry! Also, results this time were a little rushed, so sorry!
Again, really sorry! Thank you so very much if you're reading this - whether you're a new reader or an old, I thank you. Thank you to the new readers who are willing to give my story a chance - even with the massive amounts of text and numerous flaws. Thank you to my old readers for sticking with me. That you're still interested is worth the world to me! ♡ I included a very broad summary of the story so far in the first paragraph and a more recent recap in the second. They turned out longer than I meant, but I hope they help!