Don't leave me hanging part 40

Welcome to the fortieth part of my first story quiz! If you haven't already read the others, you might want to, so you can understand the story. I can't believe I've finally reached part 40. Though I found her unfinished series far after she left, I'd like to dedicate this part to xxdarkxx, the writer who renewed my interest in writing and who never got to release her own 40th part. Thank you, xxdarkxx, for being the first to bring the widely-accepted romance story quiz format to GTQ and for being such an inspiration to me.
Recap: You go to find Jack to set up a meeting Luna had requested. On the way, you bumped into Justin, carrying team necklaces that Lacey had retrieved from Blake's party. Though you both find Kris and Jack in the lab, Justin is dragged off by Stella soon after on Luna's orders. When Jack and Kris start to use the powers in their necklaces to inform the rest of the teams about the meeting, the Spirit Necklace begins to glow, letting out a glowing angel figure made of light particles who ominously starts to approach Jack.