Don't leave me hanging part 28

Welcome to the 29th part of my story quiz! Tomorrow, March 8, will be the 1-year anniversary of this series! :D Special shout-outs to Yupthatsmyname and PersonXD, (active readers who've been here the longest, a super-flying-tackle-hug for your dedication to the story :D); in memory of xX3mo_Ang3lXx, Mythologyfreak, pixystixlove94, JKJK (my first dedicated commentors and readers); AiFiahK3mE, _ViolaLover_, Flight, Fiery_Soul, Bluebird, angelic4, Fairygal, PuffBall (the most active commentors and readers an author could ever hope for ;) ); my character creators: KaliaRox, AiFiahK3mE, PersonXD, Yupthatsmyname, and angelic4; and, last, but most certainly not least, a shout-out to all the readers, both current and past, of this quiz: Thank you so much! Love you all ^^
Recap: You went bowling with Stella and Justin. He kissed you, and Stella picked up a guy named Russel ;) When you returned, you spent some time with Cory and then had a girl's sleepover night with Stella. In the morning, everyone except for Cory is out making preparations for the party tonight, so you sneak up an play a prank on him. The doorbell then rings, and, even though you can't see who's on the other side, you open the door...