Don't leave me hanging part 35

Welcome to the thirty-third part of my first story quiz! If you haven't already read the others, you might want to, so you can understand the story. I was reviewing part 34, and I realized that it's missing a whole paragraph! Ugh :P that's already happened to me once or twice before :/ Well, it wasn't really essential, I think, just gave some hints as to what will happen in this part.
I'm horribly sorry this release was late :S I don't know how exactly to express how guilty I feel about not getting this out on time besides saying "I'm SORRY" x 10 ^ 4231324. Thank you for sticking with me even though I'm not the best (*cough* horrible) with deadlines. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You readers mean a lot to me, even if I don't know you personally. Oh, and the recap is down there for this part.
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