amazingfulyweird's Profile


Joined on Mar 13, 2012
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
100 Quiz
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amazingfulyweird's Quizzes

amazingfulyweird's Recent Posts

  • Two Contest!
    "I have to agree with Grace, what will happen with the contests?? And, lol, no Nat i didnt count, there's this thing on the side when "
  • Two Contest!
    "No point in this, just thought there should be 200 posts :/"
  • Two Contest!
    "I took it and it was hard to choose, i think i voted for Hogwarts.. Thats the one I wanted anyway.. Somethings telling me i hit the wrong on..."
  • Two Contest!
    "Sage Parson, that's funny! I need to do that sometime... except when ever someone cute walks by I had just taken a huge bite.."
  • Quotes
    "Everyday I fall inlove with you more and more, well not everyday. Yesterday you were pretty annoying -??"
  • Two Contest!
    "Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound that way... I was just bummed thats all I didnt mean to sound pushy or rush you or anything"
  • Two Contest!
    "I hate to admit it, but I almost punched the wall... I was waiting all day for the winners to be announced... Boo... :( "
  • Would you rather?
    "Musician Die by choking or drowning?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Hmm.. neither Have to live without ever taking your clothes off or never putting them on?"
  • Would you rather?
    "Bottled Would you rather laugh when you're supposed to cry and cry when you're supposed to laugh, or not have any emotions at all?"
  • Two Contest!
    "Oops that was supposed to say 5 foot 3 inches.."
  • Two Contest!
    "Name: Samantha Amber Terry Age: 14 District: 9 Personality: Shes kind of like a mix between Joanna and Rue, shes shy an"

amazingfulyweird's Recent Quiz Comments
