Hogwarts Love Story Pt 17 {The Yule Ball} | Comments

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  • That's adorable! You really care for your sister! My sister's are younger by 5-10 years but I told them to go to a different high school, because the high school I'm attending isn't good for them; they can do so much better. (My school is lacking in many departments but i guess not sports) Wow! That's amazing, I only did Band and Student council; however I had to quit band because it was really awful and poorly planned out. Thank you. Haha, I'm really slacking on studying for my exams; Math and Chemistry will be the end of me. Next semester is focused on english, american history, ap bio and art. :)

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  • @Obssions0112 - Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you liked it and that I actually manage to transfer the feeling I put into the edition out to you. LOL, yeah; Harry won't be a jerk for much longer. More time with Harry. (:

    @_ViolaLover_ - Awee, thank you very much! I think I can sum up how it made you feel overall, beautiful? I'm really glad that you enjoyed it & you should keep smiling! It looks amazing on all of you (: Thank yoou!

    @HogwartsL ove - Thank you, thank you very much! I have heard it but it actually feels amazing that I've succeeded what I've tried to accomplish. Yeah, I think I made the "torn" worst, once again but I managed to give them a moment together. Don't worry the reactions I get are words enough; even if they do leave people speechless.

    Than k you so much! :)

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  • @live laugh quiz - Are you serious? I don't know what to say, despite what I wrote , the ending of it all will have a bigger impact on me. The promise is a secret (:

    I'm sorry to say, this series will be on a hiatus for the time being. I will be commenting and replying but I will not be posting any new editions till February. I'm sorry, exams and finals projects are due this month and I'm behind. Feel free to message me at my email rawrnedly@hotmail(. )com . I'm sorry everyone !

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  • So, this idea popped into my head while I was studying. It has already been added but for it to be out of my head. Here's a sneak peek.

    He was furious, it was bad enough that he created a scene in the middle of the courtyard but now, you had to explain myself with your unwanted audience. "You need to listen to me!" You said in a calm tone but he wasn't listening. You've had it. You turned around and walked away "So, you're going to walk out on me like you always do?" He yelled out to me but I cold hear his footsteps trail behind me "You just can't accept it, can't you?" He grabbed my right arm and turned me around to face him "I can't accept what?" You turned to look at his bloodshot eyes and his wild hair everywhere. "That someone like me wants to be with you!" He yelled it for all nosy ears to hear. Great. There was a silence the of you but there was murmur amongst the crowd "and maybe, possibly, you want to be with me too...but you're scared."

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  • @FireSoul - Yes, there will be! But there will be more of Harry in Year 5 and sadly, less of Draco. Yeah, LOL. The surprise was Draco bringing Oliver to Hogwarts for the Yule Ball...

    @AiFiahK 3mE - Oh, I meant in general. That's true, most of the celebrities are in America. The stars that I know that are in / from Canada are Justin Bieber, Marianas Trench, Avan Jogia and some bands? Yeah, idk about actors.

    @Orange_ Juice - Thank you so much! You should really take the quiz WITH the song. It adds a huge factor to this release and it becomes very overpowering for some people. Yes, he is so adorable! Really? :( Awe, LOL. I wanted to be a secret .

    @HorseLuver - He is such a sweet heart! I like that even if some fans aren't Oliver-crazed fans; they can still feel the emotions. Yes, I'm still planning part 18; so I'll see where Neville comes in.

    @angelic4 - LOL, yes. You were the one to guess about the Oliver and I was like "omg, she basically gave the original idea...Think of a whole new idea" I'm still torn between a lot of people & yes, I just came back from school and it was okay. A mix between horrible and amazing

    @awesome cusiam - I already answered but no, this series is still on-going. I'm glad that you like it (:

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  • Me and my sister are two years apart she's already planing on me going with her and her friends to homecoming! I know so many people who love band, i'm sorry you had to quit I had always said I would be in choir when I got to middle school. I joined orchestra in fifth grade, hated it, and when I quit I got to join choir and my sister was the first to point out that I was acctually doing what I said! She's on the dance team and we're planing to do a dance together when I make, she's conviced I will. I hate math too, algerbra will kill me some day I'm sure. Again good luck on your tests and have fun writing the next chapter

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  • @Orange_Juice - I was so upset when a 14 year old won the Fave. movie actor/actress under 25. I was like "What are you doing people?!" Yes! Harry potter forever, I'm awaiting my bluray DVD collection with behind the scenes footage and everything :D but in the meantime, I'm gonna play with my wand. :(

    @AiFiahK3mE - Worst day for me! LOL. I was two hours late for school; just in time for second period out of four. I was going to talk to my crush but I ended up bonding with his friend. Haha. Uhm, I won't be releasing till next month.

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  • Guys! I am so ecstatic that I released this! I had small heart attacks as I was trying to publish this.

    At question 8; it feel so magical and realistic if the music is at the bridge. Where the singer goes "Oh, how could I face the faceless days, if I should lose you now?" This idea literally came to me in a sleep while I was listening to this song.

    Well, here is it! I hope you all enjoyed it! This is definitely one of my favorite releases and this time I swear I mean it. Toodles x

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  • @Fairygal - Thank you very much ! Haha, I'm still inexperience myself; allot anything just keep practicing and actually write what you picture and feel. Your comment isn't long, I love long comments! Haha, as I saidmy quiz is the actual experience throughtout the years at Hogwarts as well as other twist. Oliver is my favorite too but I prefer Draco at this point! Anyways, thanks love x

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  • That's the complete opposite for me, my sister who is 5 years younger than me is almost my height and still growing. Really? I prefer the "Homecoming" title instead of "Semi-Formal" but it's easier for us to go to each other "Hey, are you going to semi?" It's going to be a lot of planning for council, endless work. Well, I've been interested in Theater since Grade 8 but never brought myself up for it.

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  • okay so I have done no school, and no work. I have for a week non stop been taking every quiz on this list until i got to this final one.. I am madly in love with oliver and draco. Like.. wow. You are awesome. I am not even going to lie these stories have entered my dreams. I dream I am at Hogwarts and it is all thanks to you. I love it, you are a fantastic writer, and truly have a gift. I have held off on commenting till i reached the most updated, but it is wow. Go you. Explore your talent it will take you places someday.

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  • Cool my life is fun!!! Well he was a creeper, and in plain texts I cused him out and he was really mad so glad he changed schools because he started hitting on my friends Which was really creepy. I love being the lovable nerd, that everyone has a hard time hating. I really can't wait until Febuary everything I'm doing AND you super amazing awsome quiz comes out

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  • @Jayla - Thank you m'dear! It's because I really need to focus with everything and my classes and extracurricular are getting way out of hand. I'm working on the other parts. I just can't publish them. I realized that February is 2-3 weeks away but that is when exams are over and my second semester starts. Yay! English :)

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  • @Orange_Juice - LOL, I'm still waiting to get it so don't try to steal it yet! For me, I wanted anyone to win because they all deserve it but secretly I wanted Tom or Emma to win, just because I'm that biased. I can't wait for her new movie: the perks of being a wallflower. "it's my favorite book because it's the last one I read." :D & I've only watched the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

    @Hogwar tsIsMyHome - haha. I just used my name because ... Well, I don't know. I used it for all my other accounts. Thank you! Haha :) hopefully it will be!

    @AiFiahK3mE - LMFAO. DID YOU ACTUALLY? If the profile picture is like "yellow-ish" and there's an Asian girl on the right hand side with long hair and glasses, then yeah it's probably me & if it says I live in Ontario or whatever. I'm curious how you found me...LOL.

    And , I don't mind! Great minds think alike! Just do whatever you want :)

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  • @natuhleegayle Haha, almost a pity Sean Biggerstaff is 29... But if you ask me, he's still good-looking ;) And Tom Felton too :) But I honestly think Robert Pattinson was cuter in Harry Potter: The Goblet Of Fire than now... Some guys become hotter when they are in their twenties'(like Taylor Lautner, at least, that's what I think about him), but others like Robert are cuter when they were younger... But that's just me :)

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  • @Allycat - I'm glad that you enjoyed it & thank you that amazing compliment :) I would have to agree this as the most emotional release since I've started :)

    @rosekat - I would have to say even in this release, I'm still torn between Cedric, Draco, Oliver and now Harry. I just feel really bad for him. Thank you so much! Yes, however it's time to get back to reality with the quizzes and write it nice and smoothly. no more rushing.

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  • Hey guys, I've posted a story that I've been working on for quite some time. I decided to publish it on fanfiction(.)net instead of gotoquiz because the process to share a story is very difficult. Anyways, this is my first ever irrelevant series / novel that I'm trying to pursue. It's a modern take of Beauty and the Beast; FOR ALL OF THOSE UNDER THE AGE OF 13 AND ETC; there is some crude language. I am sorry, the characters are 17-19 in my story. I think it's sufficient for the beginning. If you have any questions about that series, feel free to message me at my email rawrnedly@hotmail(. )com

    To read my new series; visit fanfiction(.)net > search by author; natuhleegaylee and my series is called: Beauty Within (Not a very original title) But please enjoy and I'm looking forward to hear your comments!

    Also for those potterheads; I will still continue with my Hogwarts Love Story. I will ALSO publish stories between a character that I will create and one of the boys. I was about to consider the fact of putting you into the story but since we all have different opinions and different ways to handle a situation, I just figured to leave that story concept on gotoquiz. But by all means, feel free to replace the character in the series with you.

    Last update, after next week I am officially exam free and will be back to my publications. I have english next semester so I will be definitely improving! Stay magical everyone! x

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  • @ketine11 - Thank you sweetie! Although I've stated it's too late to put Cedric on the results, I'll put him. A lot of people have been requesting it! Idk, if i'll still keep him in Year 5. Thanks for your support!

    @Obssio ns0112 - Haha! When I publish my quizzes, I read the aloud with the same actions and feelings plus the accents. It's fun but ah, I'm lacking in confidence. It does seem like fun when I see people on stage. I'm thinking about trying for the play next year, since it is my last year.

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  • @Brooke14911 - Your idea? Oh, asking Cedric to the Ball? Yeah. Sorry, but that request is just too biased for me. I simply can't remove the love between Draco. The number one bias are Oliver and Draco. Sorry, but these quizzes are for EVERYONE. Please don't offer selfish demands if it only benefits you.

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  • I'm. Crying. I'm sure you've heard that enough. XD

    Alright, so Draco is like - the sweetest thing ever. But so is Oliver. But so is Draco. But - OH MERLIN HELP ME! It was so sweet to have them actually put up with each other just for that. :')

    And OMG, Oliver/Draco moment. o.o

    I honestly can't say enough about how unexpectedly totally amazing awesome sweet adorable and just phenomenal this was.

    I hate when there aren't words to describe something as great as this!

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  • Thanks it's my fault for being the brainiac who's friends are all going to magnet schools and all but whatever. I was just in a musical. I'm working on choir and my dance teacher is a bit mad at me because I've been missing some classes so I have to work on that. I'm really excited for high school because me and my sister will be in the same school again. I really need to do less... oh well I'm kept busy and I love what I'm doing. Good luck on your exsams by the way!

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  • @Obssions0112 - That's amazing! Best of luck to you! I would have auditioned for my school play but I'm more of musicals. The play my school is performing is a series of plays; they call it "The Actor's Nightmare" Also, have fun with High School. However you see it, it'll be the best/worst four years of your life! & Thanks for understanding !

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  • @natuhleegayle It's okay don't worry about it. We all adore your work and we're all willing to wait, I for one will have no free time until March because I'm preparing for a play, a solo for singing, and the major project that we have to do this year is due on the first of Feb. I'm going into high school so I have to prep for that so I'm sure that we all understand that your swamped. Just do a good job can't wait for it hun!

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  • @Samantha2332 - Thank you very very much! LOL, yeah. thanks. I just felt that way because it was written in a rush. Oh, I just play for my school :P

    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It's truly amazing to see that Hogwarts Love Story Pt 15.2 is a top mover; as well as Hogwarts Love Story Pt 15,16 and 17 {The Yule Ball} are listed under the "Top 100 Quizzes". You guys are amazing. Seriously, I had nothing to do with it; it is all you.

    I will seriously try my hardest to reach my goal becoming a novelist :)

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  • Hi, I know I never commented before but I really like your series! You are gifted and talented at writing. I like how you are able to incorporate real life as well as fantasy into your quizzes. They are really good like the movies (never read the books but maybe I should!). My favourite guy is Oliver. You make him so sweet! Sorry for making my comment long (lol) but I really like your quiz series. I wish that my quizzes could be good like yours.

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