Hogwarts Love Story - A Very Hogwarts Christmas | Comments

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  • Okay, so back to what I was saying, LOL. When Neville came and said he thought Oliver was having a panic attack because he couldn't find me, I laughed (and woke up my dog). I was biting my lips the whole time to keep from waking up the whole house. Some people don't like guys who are like that, but I positively thought it was the sweetest thing ever. But then Draco's sweeter interior just tears me apart! (Back to Oliver, I'm with you about the whole "Olly-Wolly" or however that goes not being cute, LOL.) And your preview forced me to stifle a scream I was so excited. Honestly, when I say stuff like that, you can take me literally. But your quiz was just so amazing (so I'm off to take it again) that I just can't think how to describe the real, deep part to it. You're amazing at writing sweet parts, and not just with Oliver. Anyways, sorry about the extremely long comment, I just wanted to catch up with my girl :D LOL, AND let you know that you are just truly amazing.

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  • @wolfiey - you're welcome love ! It was definitely a challenge trying to get your idea into the story but it worked ! And might I say, the idea to a few laughs out of it (:

    @AiFiahK3mE - oops, that's embarrassing. Well, if anything let me kids get to know their kids. Haha. Well, whatever the case may be, it's fun to imagine ~

    @Orange_Juice - awe, thanks love ! Haha, that seems to happen a lot with my fans and quizzes. A family member seeing them as completely bonkers. Thanks for all the lovely comments, I'll be sure pt 9 will be just amazing as well

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  • @Reagan_77 - thanks hun x LOL, I'll try to post the next one up soon.

    @tralala - thank you x ! Oh! As much as I LOVE Tom Felton , I wish Draco was more than just a fictional character as well. There is so much to know about him, being the most dynamic character of the whole series.

    @Obssion s0112 - I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I agree with you, I would have definitely took that mistletoe and snogged the boys. Well, I'll just give them a small kiss . Haha & Thank you!

    @blondey_lo vely - really? As far as the movie goes Harry would probably the one I dislike the most in the series. Harry doesn't like to give anyone a romantic moment . But yes, as I said before, Draco is one of the most dynamic characters to write about. Thanks for the kind words, I'm working at it !

    @Bluebird - Thank you sweetie x aweee, really? I'm glad that I've inspired you to write your own stories but you really have such an amazing concept in yours. It was also very original & I'm glad that you started making your own ! x

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  • Christmas special is finally here! I'm sorry that it was such a long wait but it's finally here! Haha, well I hope that you enjoy this! To break out any confusion, this special takes place after year 3 but before year 4 has started! Haha.

    Fun fact: There are seven guys in this story. Seven is actually the magic number in Harry Potter novels. For all of you non-potterheads; SEVEN Weasley Children, Wizards come of age when they reach SEVENteen, SEVEN Horcruxes, Harry escaped Voldemort's hands SEVEN times, SEVEN prisoners escaped Malfoy's Manor...it will make more sense when you read the books. haha Anyways, toodles!x

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  • @natuhleegayle I'M SO SORRY! I'm spamming you! But anyways, every time I get on to take this quiz (which has been six times; I actually got on here to just take it again then remembered I commented and should see if you replied) I immediately smile (which I can tell is scaring my dad and making him wonder what the heck I'm doing). You give such a vivid picture it's just killing me every time I get off to take your quiz again! And yes, you do inspire me greatly. I don't know if you ever want to be an author, but if I see a sign one day saying you're signing your books I'll be like "I knew her during her quiz days." :,)

    I don't see why on EARTH you would wish to write any differently, but I do the same. And I am so glad you're working on the next parts! (I love these essays, too! LOL.)

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  • So many mistakes. I hate myself..

    Okay, besides the spelling mistakes (I don't look at the keyboard while I'm writing. I just focus on finishing as fast as I can) the question where Harry and Oliver see you and Draco, HARRY is the one who says "well, you should have went because you're-" I don't know how I manage to put Draco while my editing book was beside me. Ugh. If there is another confusing part in this edition. I apologize in advance.

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  • @AiFiahK3mE - That's pretty difficult since the full link does not appear. Is the quiz linked to your user? I'll try to find it. However, I congratulate you on your Harry Potter publication. It's not easy to write a story in this genre since it's very popular but I don't doubt that you will be very successful & you will have an amazing story plot! x

    @TatiJudith3 - Haha, may I know who?

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  • @AiFiahK3mE - if only Oliver stayed longer in Hogwarts by the time we were born (1995) Oliver left. You were born after the battle of Hogwarts & I was born when the Sirius Black died :'( I love the way Sean Biggerstaff (giggles) portrays Oliver. I love him !

    @_ViolaLover_ - aweee, thanks hun x I hope you're having a fun time on your vacation (: thanks for your support & LOL, I love that part as well

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  • @minniemouse98 - Why hello there :) Aha, thanks so much! x I try my best (:

    @AiFiahK3mE - I love Oliver there! His cute little smiles & when he says "the keeper, that's me :) defends the hoops. You with me so far?" in his adorable little accent . Wow, I can't believe I remember the dialogue haha..yeah, I was the same like your brother but I guess that's how it is in Britian ?

    @slytherin queeen - not surprising since you are the queen of the Slytherin household. Haha

    @tazemaster - haha, thanks. As much hard work this took, I prefer quality of the story than anything. I know, the rhyming was a bit much but it's Christmas

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  • This quiz reminds me of something that happened yesterday... Me, my little brother and my cousins were watching the first movie of Harry Potter(Oliver so cute in it ^-^), and when it came to that part where it's Christmas, and Hermione said: 'Happy Christmas', my brother asked: 'Isn't it MERRY Christmas?', and I answered, just trying to be funny: 'No. It's "Harry" Christmas!'

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  • @angelic4 - I'm very pleased to hear that. The rhymes was probably one out of many complications that I've had writing this edition. I wanted to be a classic Christmas tale, so it included a lot of rhymes. (however at number 24 or 25, you can see that i've given up with the rhymes) haha, I love Oliver as well despite what he does. Thank you x

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  • @HogwartsLove - LOL, oh my gosh. When I checked the comments, I only assumed you posted 1-2 small comments but when I scrolled down there were two massive ones! .... So, you're probably one of the most sweetest person I've ever met! Thank you , Thank you , thank you! (Scrolling back and forth to answer your comments is so difficult on an itouch)

    Really glad that this story was to everyone's liking especially since its been a while since the last one and I tend to be a bit rusty here and there. I'm surprised what you've said about what is actually in my stories, I can't really identify them. If anything, this edition gave me the worst headache. LOL, yes Drarry! I found the Drarry moments I've written to be really cute, I'm sure that everyone loved the Oliver and Draco parts. Who would have thought, that Oliver, a minor character would get so much attention. He is actually another character I love writing about & from what I've seen from different stories. We've established that Oliver is always going to be the clingy romantic dreamy Scottish quidditch player. LOVE IT !

    I'm pretty sure you should change that ratio to

    75% writing quizzes
    25% waiting for my quizzes

    Nonethel ess, I'm touched. I never knew inspiring people could feel so amazing. You, and many others are also my inspiration as well. Whenever I read quizzes by others, I go: I wish I could write as well as them. True story.

    I wonder if I'm at the 2000 limit yet. Oh well, I was amazed reading that you took this quiz in between writing your comment. Well, your comment as well as the others, is pushing me to post up HLS pt 9 & 10 . So I'm off to work & thank you once more x ( I love these essays we write to each other)

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  • You know what it's weird I acctually do get them in that SAME order each time..... I never noticed that it always happens. Weird... Any way thanks I have a grand total of twenty people read it!!! Acmplishment! I get excited over the small things. My friend thinks he's a jerk but with her personality she say's she would have him at her side 24 7 and I believe her she's like Luna but more rough round the edges any way thanks can't wait for your next part!!! *o*

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  • @HogwartsLove - I emailed you from a different email. Let's hope I got your email right..

    @Obssion s0112 - You always get the boys in that order? That's pretty amazing. As much as I love Draco, your friend needs to see Draco's personality rather than his appearance, he really wasn't as attractive from year 3 - year 5 but oh well. I'm also keeping up with your series! I love it :) Keep it up! x

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  • @HogwartsLove - I had just finish writing you an essay on your newest edition and now I'm replying to another. LOL, I honestly don't mind the spam but i find that we're annoying our fans when we're having an all out compliment battle and some of our personal convos.

    Ugh, the only thing I'm grateful for is the autocorrect...well at times ..

    I'm glad to hear that everyone did enjoy it & that it was worth the wait. I dreaded not brig able to deliver ..

    LOL, I was honestly not a fan of Drarry because of the whole generalization that Drarry only exist in bed...I do enjoy the cute bromance when they aren't at each others throats. Well, I think we talk more and Draco & Oliver is because they're the easiest to write about and more interesting to know, while everyone else has been portrayed in the books and movies for a decade..

    Scrolli ng...scrolling...

    Ahaa, well, there are so many people coming out with their own Harry potter series and Harry potter is probably one of the hardest genres to write about. I'm just so amazing and in awe what people have to write.

    LOL, yeah, my parents assume that I'm talking to a "boy" (the way they depress me) but I love reading your comments, so heartwarming, I'm sure you know how that feels :)

    LOL, we really should find another way to send essays to each other...

    Aha, becoming an author will probably be a side job, well until I know in going somewhere with it. Although, I am taking a course in creative writing to help enhance my skills for the first time, professional writing class (:

    Im most likely enrolling into a course pharmaceutical or in literature.

    LOL. I think I'm done my essay. Don't be sorry (:

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  • @AiFiahK3mE - I swear that your birthday is a significant event in the world of Harry Potter. Also, I know, I'm probably at Hogwarts when the kids of Harry, Draco & etc are in Hogwarts, and all I would say to them is "your dad is one attractive man. How about We be friends?" LOL, kidding that's creepy..

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  • It seems that it takes hours to find all the answer choices to your quizes and I find that I always do it in the order i love them in. It's always Harry/the twins, than whoever I didn't get the first time, then Draco, then Nevill, then Ron, than Oliver. It's not that i hate Oliver it's just he seems like the cliggy type while I'm more of a free flyer. I showed my friend my fan fic and she is obssesed with Draco he is her wall paper for her computer and she turned to me and said 'What did you do that for?' I said, 'Draco's a whimp but is so HOT' she turned back and said'So?'by the way AiFiahK3mE I was born in 1998 to but my birthday is january 12.

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  • @natuhleegayle LOL, how about (after this comment of mine) we email? Mine's so creative (*sarcasm*). It's just HogwartsLoveQuizSer ies@gmail(.)com without the parenthesis. Very creative; I wanted to make it easy to remember, but it's a bit long. ANYWAYS, LOL, "compliment battle." And i love that you like reading my comments; I love reading your's! I'm with you on the Drarry thing; they've got their moments when they aren't bickering (in the movie DH part 1, if you've seen it, Harry saves Draco from the fire and I just went "crap, don't" LOL). But I think that's awesome you're taking a class. :) You can email me if you want.

    Essays! :D

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  • @natuhleegayle Ha, ha! Yeah, I felt like I was spamming you for writing so much, but I really had to at least TRY and describe how amazing your quiz was and how much I loved it! And you, my friend, are one of the sweetest people I've ever meant as well! It's no problem; I should be thanking you for everything you've done for me! (I'm with you on that whole iTouch thing, I'm on an iPad though). And everyone, I can assure you, loved your quiz, as we loved all of your other ones! But you deserved the break and I honestly didn't notice anything wring with your quiz, nor have I ever. I can't believe, though, that you can't see just how amazingly you can put together genres! I'm sorry about the headache, LOL. But I can say that your effort definatly showed, and that you disappointed NO ONE. We're all sitting here thinking "It was totally worth the wait!" And oh yes, Drarry! Oh my gosh, I shouldn't! But the moments, as you said, were too cute! Why must I think this?! Everyone DID love the Oliver and Draco parts, as well as the other characters' parts. I find it hilarious thinking about what must have been going on in Oliver's mind when he saw Neville kissing me! He'd been so close to making a "move" and then of nowhere, Neville, of all people, ends up being the one to kiss me! LOL, love it. Neville really is a sweetheart, though. And Peeves, "had to give lad something to make his pathetic life worth wild." That was awesome!

    I'm with you about the Oliver thing, him being a minor character and all. I shouldn't be surprised he is so popular, considering, as you said, he is (and always will be) that "clingy, romantic, dreamy, Scottish Quittich player." Not to mention dorky, which, I'm sorry, but I always find to be so adorable. Personally I find it so sweet he had that thing planned out, and like I said before, when Ron interrupted I was the one choosing the "WHO THE F---" option. LOL. Oh, 2,000 limit, I'll continue on another comment, my friend.

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  • I love this. Plain and simple I laughed at Nevills kiss and oliver passed out. Now had I been there I'd have told peeve to give me the missitle toe and proceed to snog every guy there senseless. but that's just me I loved the rhymms it made me smile and I just wanted to say thank you for posting and i hope you had a great Christmas!!

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  • That's great! The more you work at it, you'll be hitting the 100 mark, no matter what! Awe, I don't know if that's sweet your friend would say something like that about Draco? Hmm, well, being Luna is good, not caring about what everyone else says. Thanks love :) x

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  • YAY I've been waiting, checking the quiz page every, well, like 10 mins for this to come out, but when it does come out I'm on vacation!!!!! Life is cruel. I laughed out loud when I read the part about Oliver fainting. Keep rocking! I love your quizzes and I'll wait as long as I need to. =)

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  • I guess it's a copliment..... My sister says the writing style is good, the whole cuteness aspect she adores, and she said the GoToquiz needs to fix the damned typos because it's a coumputer and we are only human..... we really can act like sister's some times. XD

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  • @natuhleegayle - I want to thank you from the deepest part of my heart and thank you for using my idea in your story! It means so much to me!

    You've also amazed me again with one of your terrific stories!

    Also, happy new year! :3

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  • Pfft... This was so amazing.
    It was TOTALLY worth waiting for, my friend!

    And there really is so much to say about this quiz... Hm... Where to start, LOL.

    Well, first of all, your mix of "genres" always calls for an epic time here! I SO wish I could have taken a video of me to show you - I was laughing the heck out of myself! The options - my goodness, hilarious. That Drarry one, I tell ya - I try not to! LOL. And you can imagine I was one of the people who chose the "WHAT THE F---, WHO INTERRUPTED?!" option when interrupted with Oliver. And speaking of him, that whole fainting thing just made me love him more! Dorky guys, as you said (and I will always quote you on) are, in fact, the best! I swear, if I could actually live your quizzes, I would in a heart-beat! And I love how all of the guys were just cheering on Neville (well, not Oliver, of course, he was too busy fainting).

    Also, as Bluebird said, you are my all time favourite writer and you are the one who inspired me to write my quiz series. So, basically my life is:

    50% Taking your quizzes when they come out
    50% Making my own in wait of your's

    ANYWAYS, back to your epic and amazing and just "left-me-speechless " quiz. I couldn't help but think the entire time - she's out done herself. Original, check. Humorous, check. Adorable and sweet, check. Making a girl wish she really lived in your quizzes, check. Everything else good, check. Yes, is most certainly the best quiz of all time, and you giving ME, of all people, a shout-out, just put as much of a smile on my face as taking your quiz in general did. (Siriusly, I wish you could have seen my reaction to seeing this was on. I procrastinated from taking it by reading your comment, then the first paragraphs over and over, just so it wouldn't end soon. Then, after taking it, I took it many more times, as I'm off to do again after writing this comment.) OH MY GOSH! I'll have to continue thi

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