_ViolaLover_'s Profile

Joined on Jul 9, 2011
Status Level: Experienced
_ViolaLover_'s Quizzes
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 10[published: Sep 10, 2012, 9 comments]
Well, here it is, just like I promised! I don't think you guys need a refresher, because……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 9[published: Sep 09, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey everyone! I'm really sorry that this took SO long to get out! I really am! I have no……
- Which Orchestra Instrument Are You?[published: Jun 22, 2012, 2 comments]
This quiz is seeing which STRING instrument you are most compatible with. Do you float by……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 8[published: Jun 21, 2012, 9 comments]
I am SO sorry that this took so long! Explanation in the last paragraph! Refresher: You win……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 7)[published: Jun 05, 2012, 21 comments]
Welcome back to my quiz! Refresher: Jake, Cailtin, and Ray escape with the……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 7[published: May 28, 2012, 6 comments]
Welcome back to Hogwarts Through a Snake's Eye! Refresher: You kick Flint off the quidditch……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 6[published: May 20, 2012, 8 comments]
Oh yeah, guys, this is still part six, I made two part fours by mistake. Sorry! Refresher:……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 6)[published: May 18, 2012, 10 comments]
Refresher: You talk to Sam about his pictures, and the house gets invaded……
- Question to all of the Gotoquiz authors![published: Apr 13, 2012, 17 comments]
Hey everyone! I have a question that has to do with my writing. I've been trying to get……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 4[published: Apr 02, 2012, 14 comments]
Hey everyone! Sorry that I took so long to make this, and that the title says 4....it's……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 5)[published: Apr 01, 2012, 19 comments]
HELLO people of the internet! So the winner of my contest was singin232!……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 4[published: Mar 19, 2012, 21 comments]
Hello people of Gotoquiz! Welcome back to Hogwarts Through A Snake's Eye! I'm pretty proud of……
- Hogwarts Part Thirteen Is Out![published: Mar 18, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey everyone! Hogwarts Part Thirteen is out! She didn't announce it, so I took it upon myself to……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 4)[published: Mar 12, 2012, 25 comments]
SORRY! SORRY! It took so long =( So you won't remember what the guys look……
- The True How Beautiful Are You Quiz[published: Feb 29, 2012, 9 comments]
Hello everyone! I made this quiz because I saw one who said they got tired of seeing all the……
- HEY ANGELIC4! READ THIS![published: Feb 23, 2012, 1 comment]
Hey Angelic4! I read your quiz asking for my help, please go read my comment! no repeating characters……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 3[published: Feb 20, 2012, 19 comments]
Hey everyone! Sorry this took FOREVER to get out, but I had an english project to do, then I……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 2[published: Jan 22, 2012, 17 comments]
Hey everyone! I'm sorry, I wanted this out sooner, but I got loaded down with so many things……
- Hogwarts Part Twelve[published: Jan 15, 2012, 2 comments]
HER QUIZ IS OUT! It didn't apear on the new quiz list *sad face* BUT it's now out, so go read it! I love……
- Hogwarts From A Snake's Eye Pt. 1[published: Jan 09, 2012, 26 comments]
Hey everyone! Just another quiz by me! Those of you who've read my other quizzes probably hate……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 3)[published: Nov 19, 2011, 18 comments]
HEY STORYQUEEN! You challenged me to translate CEREBRUM i optima est……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save (part 2)[published: Oct 15, 2011, 10 comments]
Hey people! Welcome back to the creations of Violalover! Sorry it took……
- 4 boys, 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 world to save[published: Sep 11, 2011, 14 comments]
Hello everyone! Welcome to my quiz! Some of you may have taken my other quizzes,……
_ViolaLover_'s Recent Posts
"well, this project sort of died..."
"Hey nathalie, I feel really lame about not seeing this thread until about thirty seconds ago. I'm upset that you're stopping your writing, y..."
"I've got all the votes, but do you want the winners or just everything? and we can end it this Saturday? You guys would have to do it, I'm b..."
"Alright then, just once it is. And I don't know, I can email her from our email though."
"No I get it, but can they vote once a day, once today, once tomrrow, etc., is what I'm asking"
"*one subject period"
"Once a day per subject, or just one subject in general?"
"Once a day sounds better, I tried looking it up and couldn't find it, but from past experiences sometimes people can vote up to 10 times a d..."
"I HAVE DISCOVERED A PROBLEM! How many times can a person vote? Just once? Once a day? More than once a day? I'm willing to go through all th..."
"hmmmm. that seems fine"
"when should we close the voting?"
"when should we close the voting?"
"I'll write down all the votes on a word document to keep track of them"
"Sorry! Major storms in my area tonight! =( Posted it though!"
_ViolaLover_'s Recent Quiz Comments
"@lovelifelive part 11 shouldn't take too long, but I'm pretty overloaded with school work at the moment, so we'll see.
1 -
"@JessiaLestrange Thanks, your comment really made my day :) I'm glad someone still takes my series!"
1 -
"Level of distress went from zero to a million in two seconds. I can't believe I didn't see this comeout! I feel like such a bad fan! UHG!…"
1 -
"Flame really needs to quit messing with my emotions, I hate looking like a stop sign! xD I can't wait for your next part!"
1 -
"I love Jay, he's awesome =) I can't wait for the next part!"
1 -
"I'm lame, I didn't check this list for a couple days and this came out. >.> NEVER AGAIN. Can't wait for the next part!"
1 -
"I vote for the hunger games! Good luck on the gtq grammy thing! I wish i could vote =P If I could, it would be you"
1 -
"Don't vote in the comments, use the email! =)"
1 -
"I live there too! The cactus thing is totally reasonable, and it's not any cactus-its the saguaro cactus that only grows in arizona! the…"
1 -
"*happy dance* This is out! YAY!!!!! I loved your first one, can't wait to see where you take thsi one!"