Hogwarts Love Story Special - Neville Longbottom | Comments

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  • Okay, you are officially THE most talented, amazing, able, accomplished, adept, adroit, artistic, brilliant, capable, clever, endowed, expert, ingenious, intelligent, masterly, proficient,skilled, smart, and gifted writer I've ever seen. You captured those thoughts perfectly! I always just thought of Neville as a friend, and then BOOM he's the most amazing guy on the planet. Which would, like HogwartsLove said, stop as soon as you stopped writing, and the people on earth would all scream in sadness for never being able to see your wonderful work ever again.

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  • ...Where do I begin?

    I mean, seriously! This made me so flipping happy and sad at the same moment that I was left, at the end of your quiz, wondering how writing could ever possibly be so brilliant and extravagant as to have the ability to do what it's put upon all of us! He's such a sweet heart, and certainly a gentleman. Not just was it his thoughts, but I like the fact that we were still included. Dang, Nat, you never cease to amaze me. Over and over, better and better. It literally doesn't seem possible, but it's right here! Wow. It's funny how I can't put into words how amazing you are with words. I just created this whole scenario in my mind where you, for whatever crazy and nonsensical reason, stopped writing and the world suddenly refused to orbit. And there was screaming. All over Earth.

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  • @Bluebird - That's okay! As long as you felt some sympathy or compassion towards him (:

    @Firesoul - Harry? Originally, I planned Cedric but I think I'm flexible. I'll try to work something out; depends on Pt. 32 and Pt. 33 really.

    @DragonR ider294 - The twins will be very difficult to write a special; well, i guess not, it wouldn't be their thoughts, they'll be having a private talk with each other.

    @Orange_J uice - Neville was brave from the start! He was also a true Gryffindor, especially when he stood up to the Trio for escaping! I had to go over my mind, I don't know if Harry made you cry and I don't know about Cedric either. As I said the twins will be a challenge but I'll try to work it out! Haha! Keep Calm and Read On; uhm, it's going well. I guess, it's been a while since I've touched it so, I remember only the major points I had but I'll try to remember :)

    @amazingfulyw eird- Yeep! Nor does he ever want to see you cry.

    @angelic4 - Yeah, if only. Oliver isn't really well known but he was definitely a looker as I remembered. I already checked out your series and it was brilliant! I can't wait for Pt. 5! :)

    @miumiutheemu - I'm curious to know who was your original bias :)

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  • @Calypso1315 - Evidentially, I believe so. Haha! Thank so much and wait no further, Pt. 32 is out!

    @Orange_Jui ce - That's true! Haha, his speech was really inspirational, especially when recently like last week, I heard something I really didn't want to hear and ALMOST considered not writing for at least a few months but yeah. I just thought of what Neville said and picked myself right up. I would agree with you, I also did love his speech! Hmm, that gives me a great idea but it just means that one twin will just see you as a friend and the other one will develop feelings. I really like to have them together for the special because there will be a lot of banter between them and jokes. But yeah, I see what you're saying & thanks! Haha, yeah. Keep Calm and Read On is in the works! It's alright, I don't mind!

    @rosekat - Don't worry about it! As long as you can see where he's coming from! Thanks! I think that'll go along smoothly.

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  • That was adorable. Neville is such a sweet heart. He is so understanding and kind and the point he made is true, when i thought about it, 'me' did cry over all of the guys beside Cedric and himself. Still i love him as an older brother...i think. Though i am a big fan of his especially after his speech to Voldmort in the final battle, he turned into a true Gryffindor. Can't wait for part 32 or another Hogwarts love story special. Can you make one for the twins?? And my favorite question(well not favorite but anyways) when will the next part of Keep Calm And Read On be published??

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  • @_ViolaLover_ - You and everyone are really making it hard to believe that I wrote this. I know I said thank you but there has to be a synonym for it because thank you, isn't enough. Whenever I read comments like this, I stop and stare and read my work and question "Did I really write this?" You are making me tear up right now, I'm filled with euphoria, nothing could really top this! Thank you so much! You all are amazing and wow, I can't even talk...I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you!

    @xxblutixx - I have the biggest smile on my face! Thank you so much! Yeah, I can really see that the specials really shine a new light for the characters on you. Thank you, thank you so much! I'm so emotional right now.

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  • @natuhleegayle Neville WAS brave from the start but in the final battle,with his speech,he showed a bravery that was never shown before. I love his speech so much that i walk around the home and say'We lost Fred,Remus,Tonks,al l of them,they didn't die in vein,but you will,cause wrong,Harrys heart did beat for us,for all of us,till your over.'and my sister doubts my mind but i love his speech so much. Anyways i do agree with it being tricky to make a Gred and Feorge (lol)Hogwarts love story special. If you want to make one,may i suggest to make them separately since they are two different people i mean even though they're twins and have the same personality but im sure they have different opinions about 'me'. Even though you probably figured that much out i just wanted to tell it to you. Im glad to hear that Keep Calm And Read On is in progress. Also sorry about the long comment,i have never ever written such a long comment for you before so sorry :)

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  • Oh my... Neville's so sweet it makes me want to cry. I love your series so much, and I always look forward to these specials because they just add a whole new depth to the characters. Everything just seems to ring so true in emotion and character and they're just... Perfection, brilliant job, natuhleegayle :)

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  • @amazingfulyweird - Oh man, Draco! LOL. seriously? Neville over Draco? I think I accomplished the task at hand & i know but I can't help but to feel bad...

    @rosekat - Woooow! Really? I'm still shock, I never expect these things to happen when I release it but I can't help but to feel glad that I can create this sympathy towards a certain character! Thank you so much! & well, I'm currently writing it now but it's been so long since I've written it, so my mind is a fog. I really don't know...sorry!

    @H ogwartsLove - Thank you so much! I'm literally speechless when I read your comments as well as everyone else's. I really don't know what to say but thank you and regardless, that's not enough. I'm just really glad that you liked it and I'm pretty sure that's how I felt when you stopped writing your quizzes for a brief period, I found myself visiting your blog wondering if you updated. Ironic, how you said I'm amazing with words when I can't even form two when I want to talk to a guy. Wow, I'm still stunned...

    * Did anyone else notice when you're at the table and it says "i was CREATED by Ron and Harry" ? I meant to say greeted and I laughed at that for like a good 10 minutes.

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  • @amazingfulyweird - LOL. Yeah, I just posted this! Don't worry! Haha! don't feel like a geek, it's adorable! Haha! I'm curious, who do you mostly like? LOL, i honestly feel accomplished that I made you feel something towards Neville but I feel bad for making you cry...

    @Evenstar - I am really sorry! I remember your previous comment how you said you find it awkward liking Neville since he's just a friend. Whoops! :) and thank youuuu ! :)

    @Horseluver - I had a feeling you would like this one! Don't worry, you'll end up with Neville! There are alternate endings (:

    @PersonXD - LOL, I only found that out recently, that "Erised" is "Desire" backwards. My mind was blown. I'm a Slytherin! It was faith, I wouldn't mind Ravenclaw though; Hufflepuff I'm okay with but Gryffindor, I'd be depressed. Pottermore account is: SpiritMagic182. I'm hardly on...not until they add more! & THANK YOU ! :)

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  • NEVILLE! I feel so bad for him. The Mirror of Erised is desire backwards anyone else notice that. Can Neville and i just get together and stay together already? I'm curious what house are y'all in on Pottermore, I'm a Hufflepuff D:. Wahhh! More Neville and SOON!


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  • I miss the twins! When are we going to have some time with them? :( Sorry, I'm just SUPER excited for Saturday! I'm gonna go to the ComicCon (my first one) and meet James and Oliver Phelps!! :D SO EXCITED!! Can't wait!!

    Neville and I will be friends, and only friends. I'm only in love with the twins! XD

    Great quiz!! Can't wait for part 32 and/or Love Story Special, the Twins!!

    Sage Parson
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  • Wow..this was so sad. Neville is beyond sweet, but I only see him as a friend or a brother...can't wait for part32 and the next special and if you need help choosing..please choose Harry please choose Harry please choose Harry please choose Harry please choose Harry please choose Harry.

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  • @amazingfulyweird - I have a TON more songs for all of you to really fit the mood! With this special, there were like four songs I was debating on...

    Good to you - Marianas Trench

    You're Not Alone - Big Time Rush * This song was picked because it showed more of Neville's innocence!

    f---i ng Perfect by Travis Garland * This is the clean version.

    & I must be dreaming [Acoustic] - The Maine.

    I'm still going to use the other songs but for different people, I already picked the song for Cedric but I'm not going to write it just yet since idk where to put it.

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  • awwwww it's so true Neville's been there for me since forever, the guys only come during happy times, but Neville is there all the time. If only i had not met Oliver... maybe xD, i loved it. Nat can you please check out A Freak Among Freaks and tell me what you think about it, please?

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  • @Obssions0112 - I have no idea what you're talking about! But thank you as always :]

    @amazingfulyw eird - I'm glad! I really think all of those songs could fit but you're not alone, really stands out! Hehe! I'm excited for the other songs :)

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  • I've always been head-over-heels for the character Draco but I think I could seriously fall for Neville were he an actual person and not just a charaecter!!

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  • @amazingfulyweird - good ! :)

    @Obssion0112 - woah, all I can say is hope it's fine and thank goodness I read that after I ate...

    @Sage Parson - I am officially jealous of you. Both the twins!? Can I go to a corner and cry? I can't describe my envy towards you, I met Matthew Lewis but oh gosh. I hope you have fun & yeah, I've been meaning to put some twins but I don't know where...its hard to think as the twins when there is only one of you.

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  • and i thought i missed an update cuz i was checking peoples user page and i saw this but then i saw no one commented so i was like 'somethings not right' so i checked the home page again and saw it, for once im not late

    :3 i feel like such a geek..

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  • Oh my gosh, I'm crying. Like, actually crying. I love Neville so much, I wish the other guys would just leave me alone! I want to be friends with the other guys, but Neville is the only one I love.

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  • Well well well, Miss. Gayle, don't we like to make people's lives more complicated then usual????

    Just kidding, IT WAS AMAZING!(Not that it's ever not, but you get it)

    Cant wait for the next part!

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  • That kind of made me cry... but I only like Neville as a friend. He's like my brother! Not my real brother cause he's annoying but a nicer brother.

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  • Gosh! My feet died and this is my reward! It was so worth it. Great quiz but you already knew that with all that awesome radiating off of you.;D

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  • glad to hear that and yeah I feel kinda bad because in my opnion neville is an amazing freind and nothing more so yeah and I like the idea of the twins having a private conversation about the main charecter.

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  • ..Thanks a lot lol. Now I'm starting to realllly like Neville. He's moving out of the friend zone.


    Another amazing quiz~! I'll be waiting for the next one :]

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