Sage Parson's Profile

Sage Parson
Joined on Mar 23, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Sage Parson's Quizzes
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Sage Parson's Recent Posts
"(I have to get off now. You can just pretend my character is following you and she's just not doing anything important. :P Ni"
"Cadence put out her hand in hopes to shake. "Hi. I'm Cadence.""
"Cadence followed and sat by Lisa. She decided to be nice and smiled shyly at her."
"Cadence held the gun and watched as Loghain lead Lisa down to the store. "Guess S.O.S is going to have to wait..." she mumbled to herself."
"Cadence cautiously walked over to Lisa. Not that she didn't trust Lisa, more like she was...making sure she wasn't bitten."
"Cadence just stood there. Confused. " know each other or something?""
"Still nervous. :P"
"What's up?"
"Cadence watched in anticipation. 'Man, I should've grabbed my bat!' She thought, inching farther away from the boxes in case it was one of....."
""Wait! Loghain! I heard a sound too!" Cadence exclaimed, pointing to the boxes."
"Cadence froze and listened. She could only hear the moans coming from the ground, but she didn't say anything."
"(I like your character, Ting! :3)"
"Cadence shuddered as she opened the door to a cold breath of air. "Yikes...its freezing..." she stepped out onto the stone f"
""How's that taste?" Cadence smiled and shook the black spray cans. She headed towards the stairs that headed to the roof."
""Nah. I'll keep my bat. If I find something I'll take it. Thanks though." Cadence proceeded to open the back door. She walked into the stora..."
Sage Parson's Recent Quiz Comments
"@Wonderland Alice Since I've seen all the episodes, I don't watch it much anymore, but I still like it. :)
I'm trying! The…"
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Well. I almost submitted it. But then it deleted everything.
Qu iz is gonna be a little delayed because I have to type…"
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1 -
"Well that failed epically. xD
I have a Deviantart. :) For those who have one, feel free to drop me a message! And I'd love to see…"
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"For people who want to see what Stella looks like. :)
[no urls]
And for those who are curious what me, myself, would look…"
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"@RinRin She's great! :) I'll find a spot for her.
@CloudtheHe dgie1 Link me. :P I must have a description."
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"THATS ME! :D *points to self*
Aww, Lizzy. :3 You're an awesome friend. *glomps*"
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"For me, I go for Mighty. :)
My FAN CHARACTER HOWEVER belongs to Espio. :P"1 -
"@Doodoohead I've been writing every day. :) Don't worry! I admit I do that sometimes too! ^^;"
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"I meant three...XD"