funniebunnie01's Profile

Joined on May 2, 2014
Status Level: Hot Shot
funniebunnie01's Quizzes
- The Rose of Hogwarts [Part 5][published: May 17, 2021]
Last quiz, we left off with a sort of cliffhanger! But now, we get to delve more into what house……
- The Rose of Hogwarts [Part 4][published: Jan 27, 2021]
Your ride to Hogwarts was most certainly an interesting one! However, all that excitement could……
- The Rose of Hogwarts [Part 3][published: Jan 04, 2021]
Last time, we left you saying goodbye to Esme before taking off on the Hogwarts Express! You were……
- The Rose of Hogwarts [Part 2][published: Jan 03, 2021, 2 comments]
Previously on "The Rose of Hogwarts," we found you in a bookstore with your caretaker, Esme, to……
- The Rose of Hogwarts [HOGWARTS WITH A TWIST REMASTERED][published: Jan 01, 2021]
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to enter the……
- Do you know BMTH's new album That's the Spirit?[published: Dec 17, 2015, 2 comments]
That's the Spirit is one of Bring me the Horizon's newest albums, and like……
- Would I date you?[published: Apr 20, 2015, 6 comments]
Ever wondered if you and I would be a perfect match? (probably not) Want to see your chances with me? (You……
- How well do you know funniebunnie01?[published: Jan 28, 2015, 7 comments]
So, you want to know how well you know me, funniebunnie01? If you don't, take the stupid……
- Shout out to Pyra Potter[published: Dec 04, 2014, 8 comments]
Ha ha, so I just wanna give a shout out to one of the users here on Our lovely site known as GTQ. Other……
- An Anouncement Please[published: Jun 18, 2014, 6 comments]
hey. I just want to type jibberish but I can't. crap i have lunch i need to hurry. what the heck! screw……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (The First Task) Revised[published: Jun 09, 2014, 10 comments]
- *Slaps self across the face* I'm sorry[published: May 31, 2014, 3 comments]
Uggg... I feel so bad for doing this... I'm seriously like dying in side while I'm……
- An Anouncement[published: May 29, 2014, 1 comment]
Hey. If you see this, please read it! This is very important, but please don't be scared, and please read it! If……
Going to Hogwarts with a twist (series)
This is a Harry Potter fanfiction series about life in the wizarding world. If you enjoy HP fanfic please check it out.
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (Girls Only)[published: May 02, 2014, 5 comments]
Hi! This quiz is based off of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 2[published: May 02, 2014, 3 comments]
Hey guys! (It's weird how I say guys when it's only a girls only quiz! LOL)……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 3[published: May 02, 2014, 5 comments]
So, here it is people! Part three! *Claps and cheers* why thank you, thank……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 4[published: May 02, 2014, 2 comments]
Hey guys! So, kind of left you off there.... Slytherin huh? and the message……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 5[published: May 03, 2014, 1 comment]
So, here you are, your first day of school. Let's see how your classes go and……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 6[published: May 03, 2014, 1 comment]
Okay, so it has been brought to my attention that the second part of this……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 7[published: May 04, 2014, 2 comments]
Hey guys, I just wanna give a shout out that heres the seventh part, and that……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 8[published: May 05, 2014, 1 comment]
Hey! So, here's the eight quiz! I hope you Harry fans like this one, the……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 9[published: May 06, 2014, 3 comments]
Okay, before I forget. THANK YOU ANDOZA!!! I saw your comment and thank's for……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 10[published: May 06, 2014, 4 comments]
Hey guys!!! So, here's my tenth quiz and I'd like to say thank you to……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 11[published: May 07, 2014, 1 comment]
So, I don't really know what to say for this one... but if you guys ever……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 12[published: May 08, 2014, 2 comments]
HHHHEEEEYYYY!!! So, I've been working on this quiz for like……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 13[published: May 10, 2014, 1 comment]
Okay, so I have a surprise for all of you in this one! I hope you all like……
- going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 14[published: May 11, 2014, 18 comments]
HHHEEEEYYYY! So, I have a thing for you Draco fans in here (or Draki,……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist CHRISTMAS SPECIAL![published: May 19, 2014, 3 comments]
Hey guys! Sorry I got this out late, but I was just really busy, caught up in……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist Part 16[published: May 22, 2014, 5 comments]
Hey, so, here's part sixteen! I hope you like it, but I think it kind of sucked... but oh……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 17[published: May 25, 2014, 5 comments]
Heya!! So, sorry this has taken so long, just been kind of busy, but hey, I got it out at……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 18[published: May 26, 2014, 5 comments]
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 19[published: May 26, 2014, 6 comments]
SSSSOOOO.... It's the end of your third year, how are you feeling? Scared? Happy for the……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (World Cup) part 20[published: May 27, 2014, 4 comments]
hey! So, here is part 20 of my series!!! I'm so excited that we're finally……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (World Cup) part 21[published: May 27, 2014, 6 comments]
Hello my lovelies! So, I guess I kind of left you off with a cliffhanger……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (New Year) part 22[published: May 28, 2014, 7 comments]
Hello lovelies! So, here's the new school year! How are you feeling? Sad that……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 23[published: May 29, 2014, 5 comments]
Hey! Back for more I see? Okay, this one doesn't have that much of a twist, but it still……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (The First Task) part 24[published: May 31, 2014, 16 comments]
hey! F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!!! I'VE GOTTEN PART TWENTY-FOUR OUT!!! Ug! I've been……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 25[published: Jun 15, 2014, 6 comments]
FINALLY I HAVE GOTTEN THIS PART OUT. Honestly it took longer than I thought it would, and……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (The Yule Ball) part 26[published: Jun 16, 2014, 9 comments]
Sooo... how have ya been? The Yule Ball huh? Maybe you weren't so happy……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (The Yule Ball) part 2[published: Jun 19, 2014, 7 comments]
The Yule Ball is away. Well it's been away but you know. New, news has……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (Second Task) part 27[published: Jun 21, 2014, 5 comments]
Hi! So! Here's the Second Task, what will happen? If you love Cedric……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 28[published: Jun 22, 2014, 3 comments]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Sorry, I'm laughing about what your reaction might be to this quiz,……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 29[published: Jun 22, 2014, 8 comments]
HHHIIII!!! You'll get to find out what happens at the Third Task now! I really hope you……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 30[published: Jun 23, 2014, 9 comments]
PART THIRTY!!! YAYA!!!!!! hahaha, are you ready to see what happens? Do you die? Or do……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 31[published: Jun 27, 2014, 7 comments]
So. Your fourth year is drawing to an end, and at the end of something that will continue……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 32[published: Jul 10, 2014, 5 comments]
Things in your fourth year at Hogwarts could have gone better. You almost died, for……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 33[published: Jul 27, 2014, 5 comments]
Ah, so, we left off last time with you running away because Rob and Gala told you that……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist Part 35[published: Nov 30, 2014, 9 comments]
Right then! So sorry for the long delay! I hope this makes up for it! Anyways, so. We……
- GOING TO HOGWARTS WITH A TWIST PART 35.2[published: Apr 05, 2015, 13 comments]
Alright, well, you remember what happened last quiz, right? Well, I have a big surprise……
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (Girls Only)
- Does someone want to kidnap you?[published: May 25, 2014, 3 comments]
Are people fallowing you around? Do you constantly see white vans around your town/city? Do you……
funniebunnie01's Recent Posts
"oh yeah this place was popping ten years ago. tons of active users. everyone interacted so well with each other al;sdfkj"
"sounds about right. i'm honestly surprised there are even people who still use this site but it's good to see it's at least a little active"
"that's fair! i left this place for a long long time. i check in every now and then just for funsies i suppose. there's a lot of us..."
"hello (: this site has changed a lot i used to rp here all the time"
"this account is 10 years old now"
"as someone who used this site back in like 2014, it's def declined a lot. the forums used to be super active. the soaping/rp used to be such..."
"every now and then I think about this site. i've outgrown it now. i miss it when i was a kid. i ho"
"hello! i remember seeing you way back when here on gtq. i hardly get on but just wanted to say you know hi "
"anyway The Rose of Hogwarts [Part 5] "
"gtq guy changed the way quizzes are made so now writing my s---ty story quizzes is hard asf"
"ahh thank you! i know this is very late haha"
"uhh, mods"
"that sounds like something a young, not mature person would say haha no offence"
"yall are so young."
"i am not."
funniebunnie01's Recent Quiz Comments
"ah, thank you so much! <3"
In response to GloryRainWing:
"Nice story. Has a good "ring" to it."
1 -
"Great quiz! I got Luna Lovegood. I really enjoy her character a lot!"
1 -
"I know the chance of you seeing this is slim to none. And it has been such a long time since I have done anything really here on GTQ. I…"
In response to Goddess_of_water:
"Why did you not continue the story for like 2…"
1 -
"Your Result: You're black. 86%
Your aura is black and sinister. Many of your thoughts are dark. At times you have a evil side of…"
1 -
"Iceland 81%
result- You appear relatively cool and composed on the surface, but are warmer and passionate deep down. You are…"
1 -
"Eh, hardly any of these questions are accurate now I've changed a lot these past few months. "
1 -
"Holy s--- o.O "
1 -
"Sweet xD"
1 -
"What Color Represents Your Mood?
Your Result: Gray 90%You are moody, emotional, and dark. You may have other friends like…"
2 -
"Ice-World ^~^"