Going to Hogwarts with a twist part 33

Ah, so, we left off last time with you running away because Rob and Gala told you that you couldn't go back to Hogwarts. Now you're at Sirius's house along with everyone else.

Things happen, some confessions are made, but along with the confessions come more secrets. Maybe the small meetings and the dreams confessed will add up to something more... You never know.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, yay part 33 is FINALLY out! God, do you know how many rough drafts I went though to finally make this finalized one? A LOT. Anyways I really hope that you all enjoy it and Zia, aadee, I hope you guys get time off studying! Okay, I'm just going to stop talking now and go on with the quiz...
  2. A jolly talking floats around the table a few days later at dinner. You're unbelievably sore from cleaning everyday since you arrived at Sirius's house. You've been attacked by several small creatures, and your hands and back ache with a never ending pain. You're kind of glad that school starts tomorrow so you wont have to clean anymore.
  3. You look across the table and you look up at Cedric. He's hunched over his food, trying to eat as fast as he can. "you're quiet," you state. Cedric quickly looks away from his food and looks down at you, his eyes unreadable. "is there something you'd like to talk about?" he asks. You shrug as you shake your head. "No, you're just more quiet than you have been the past few days," you say.
  4. "Oh... well, I guess I have," Cedric states with a shrug as he sets his fork down to the side of him. You look at him and you also set your fork down too and you lean over the table. "Something is bothering you," you state in a whisper. You then lean back in your seat and you wait for Cedric to answer. Cedric stares into your eyes. He's unreadable, and you can't tell what is bothering him, you know something's up, but you just don't know what. "Nothing," Cedric answers simply, while going back to eating.
  5. You know instantly that, that was a lie. Your mind then races back to everything that happened last year. The Graveyard, the Ball, everything. How everyone thought you died last year, how you were SUPPOSED to die last year, but you didn't. Of course something is on Cedric's mind, but you know that right now isn't the time to ask him about it, so you keep quiet.
  6. "Alright kids," Sirius speaks up. "I think it's about time that all of you went to bed, you all have school tomorrow!" Most of the kids groaned, thinking that it was too early to sleep, either that or the fact that school starts tomorrow. You sigh and stand up and you head over to the stairs to head to bed. You look back worriedly at Cedric, knowing that another meeting for the Order was about to take place and you see his dad, Amos, leaning over him talking to him.
  7. It seems as if the two had come to some sort of agreement and Cedric stands up from the table and heads towards the stairs. You quickly rush up the stairs to see if everyone is in their rooms, and you then wait for Cedric. Cedric slowly makes his way up the stairs. Cedric makes his way to the top and he stops when he sees you. "Shouldn't you be heading to bed?" he asks a little tiredly. You look up at him and your fold your arms a little. "You're not okay," you state. "something's wrong."
  8. Cedric looks as if he's about to argue but instead he sighs and shakes his head. "Do you want to talk about it?" you ask. Cedric then looks into your eyes and his eyes are filled with, what is it, fear? Embarrassment? "It's just a really stupid thing," he says. You shrug. "Things seem to be really stupid these days," you say. "like how this situation with You-Know-Who, that's stupid." Cedric laughs a little as he looks down at the ground but it slowly fades away. Cedric then coughs and clears this throat and looks back up at you. "O-Okay," he says.
  9. Cedric looks as if he's about to argue but instead he sighs and shakes his head. "Do you want to talk about it?" you ask. Cedric then looks into your eyes and his eyes are filled with, what is it, fear? Embarrassment? "It's just a really stupid thing," he says. You shrug. "Things seem to be really stupid these days," you say. "like how this situation with You-Know-Who, that's stupid." Cedric laughs a little as he looks down at the ground but it slowly fades away. Cedric then coughs and clears this throat and looks back up at you. "O-Okay," he says.
  10. "I've been having these dreams ever since the last task," Cedric says, not looking at you. "I keep seeing you dying all over again, I see you falling into the Black Lake all over again, but the thing is I can never save you, no matter how hard I try." Your stomach drops a little at Cedric's words and he quickly looks back up at you. "A-And Harry at the graveyard," he adds quickly, but he says it too quickly. You know that he's lying.
  11. You quickly push away the fact that he lied about Harry and you clear your throat. "Well, if you ever would like to talk about it, just tell me," you say softly while nodding your head. Cedric nods as well and then looks away from you. "Thank you, for everything," he says kindly. You smile a little and he brings himself to meet your eyes. "Yeah, y-you're welcome," you say. Cedric nods. "Well, goodnight ______," Cedric says. You nod your head and take a step backwards. "Yeah, night Cedric."
  12. It was hard for you to fall asleep that night, you had all those thoughts about Cedric running though your head and you didn't know what to think and it was all really confusing you. Did Cedric really like you more than anything else? Why was he worrying so much about you that even his dreams forced him to worry about you. None of this seemed clear as you were ease dropping on the meeting again late that night, and you felt your eyelids becoming heavy. "And what about ______?" you hear Lupin speak up. "We have to protect her as well as Harry." There were some grunts in agreement and you try to keep your eyes open, but that was slowly failing you. "I can seek to that," you hear Snape speak.
  13. You hear Sirius scoff. "You?" he asks. Snape must have been glaring at Sirius. "Yes, me," he says sternly. "You can't be around her twenty-four seven Severus," Dumbledore speaks up. "So I suggest the boy." "Cedric?" Amos asks. "Yes, Cedric will be able to protect her better than any of us can, closer to her too," Dumbledore explains. "A charm is all I ask," Snape speaks up. "If she breaks it, it will alarm all of us that she is in trouble, which would also mean that Harry could be in danger as well."
  14. Sirius scoffs again. "Since when do you care about the children?" he asks. "Okay," Lupin speaks up before the two can fight. "Severus, you can give this charm to ______ and Cedric will also watch over the two, okay? There's no need to fight." You try to sit up and listen more, but by then the spell of sleep has heavily fallen over you, slowly taking you down. You try to get the words to stop echoing in your head. You just then realized how much danger you're in. You then wonder if there are any perks to being an Angelic.
  15. Okay, yeah this quiz probably wasn't that great but I finally got it out (after five weeks) XD I hope you all liked it anyways and I'll try and get the next one out sooner. This quiz was just kind of just to add some fluff to get from here to there you know. Haha I've been working on this quiz since this morning, I wake up and I walk over to my dresser and then I see my Deathly Hallows necklace and so I decide to work on the quiz again to finally make the final quiz. yay! *celebrates* anyways... hope you liked it and don't be afraid to leave some feed back on this utterly horrible quiz. XD Oh yes, and before I go, I added a style to this quiz, so if you guys want me to change it to a different one, or go back the old one, so please let me know? thanks! KIT!

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