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- 6.6KWhich Aikatsu Character are You3.74rated: 3.74/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 6.6K times
This is about an anime you probably never heard about or dislike. It is called AIKATSU!. It is all about idols, dresses, etc., you got the idea This will tell …
- 2.1K
What's your personality?Its up to you to decide what you are.There is many questions that make you think about what do I do every day do I cry,do I feel good …
- 26.3K
who can be your creepypasta boyfriend FIND OUT NOW!!!! …
- 23.1K
Have you ever read Throne of Glass and wondered which character you would be friends with? Or maybe. . .who're you most like? Well, this is your chance to find …
- 4.3K
There are many types of guys in the world but in this quiz, I have broken them down into four categories: The Shy Romantic, The Funny One, The Cool Bad Boy and …
- 3.1K
Everyone has a crush may not be a big huge one or it may very well be just that! Do you know if he likes you or feels the same way you do? Us he your close …
- 3K
This quiz is to determine how attractive or hot you are. It is not to offend anyone, this quiz was simply created for entertainment. We put a lot of effort into …
- 9.1K
Many people finish Netflix shows and don't know what to watch afterwards. This quiz is a simple solution to that problem featuring multiple Netflix hits. …
- 1.5KWhat kind of person are you?3.35rated: 3.35/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 1.5K times3 comments
This is for girls only to see what type of person they are very accurate . …
- 88.8K
People, especially girls, thrive on improving their appearance and wondering how they look like to other people. Is this …