Warrior cats life (only for if you got silverheart)

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Hey y'all it's me silverbirch10. You should probably search up part one and part two before you start this quiz, but you can just do the second if that makes it quicker. So it's different if you got silverheart you'll answer these questions to see what your chapter two ends up like.

Also I would love it if you would press the link that says, my warrior cat so you can visit my website, on it you can win contests and unlock rewards, look at other peoples art, read and make fan stories, copy my printables, and much more.

Created by: silverbirch10 of my warrior cat
(your link here more info)
  1. First of all, did you like the first chapter?
  2. Would you like them to make new friends
  3. What do you want most in this chapter
  4. Will they find the fox faster or slower
  5. Will their new friends join the clan
  6. I know this one's random, i couldn't think of another question so pick a color
  7. Did you enjoy
  8. Do you want a third chapter
  9. Do you want to copy and paste these to remember your story
  10. Ok! Thx for doing this, will you leave a comment

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