Warrior cats life part two

Hey everybody! It's me silverbirch10 if you haven’t done my first quiz make sure to check it out, in this one you will answer more questions and at the end there will be a mini story of your warrior life.

Also make sure that you check out my warrior cat website where you can add art, and win contests to unlock some cool rewards!!!! hope you enjoy ths quiz!

Created by: silverbirch10 of my warrior cat
(your link here more info)
  1. First of all, who did you get in the last quiz?
  2. In the morning you wake up and walk out of your den to see mapletwist sitting at the sad looking freshkill pile. “What's wrong?” you ask“There's no more prey.” she looks back at you. “Should we go hunting?” she asks.What do you reply?
  3. One day you're walking in the woods and there's this scent of fox. What do you do?
  4. Mapletwist is training with her apprentice, when he gets hurt on his leg.“Meewwww!” you hear him yelp.What do you do?
  5. The enemy clan is planning an attack you over hear littleleap whisper to another catWhat do you do
  6. If a kit from another clan passes your clans border what would you do
  7. Someone rushes over to you and yells “are you the medicine cat.”You answer
  8. You get asked by someone to pick the ticks from the elders. What do ya say?
  9. What do you teach your apprentice today
  10. Did you enjoy
  11. Last, simple question, pick one

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