Warrior Cats Love Story. (LONG! No part two.) She Cats Only!

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This quiz is a Warrior Cats Love story. SHE CATS ONLY!! Please enjoy. I really worked hard for this and this took up all my time for days. Please do answer honestly because of not it won’t be a correct answer.

Please enjoy and try to have a good time. I really do want comments because I never them. I will make more if I get two comments. That’s not that much to ask for is it?! Thanks. Have fun.

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. Your eyes flutter open to a blinding light. “Look! I told you she would wake up.” A white She-cat mewed with joy. This was mother, you already loved her with all your little heart.“So this is my Kit? She seems far too scrawny to be mine.” A muscular black Tom teased gently.“Oh stop it. What shall we name her?” Her mother asked.“How about Moon?”“That’s perfect. Welcome to RiverClan.” Moon’s mother whispered as she nudged her up onto her paws. “Honey we have to the meeting. The other kits can take care of her.” The black Tom called father mewed as they led Moon outside to where the other kits were playing.
  2. You walk up to the other kits and they all turn to stare at you. “Hi! Wha your name! I’m your sister StarKit! You can call me Star for short. Wanna play Moss Ball?” A she-cat mewed in excitement as she bounded over with at least five other kits following her. “I uhm… uh…” you stammer in confusion. That was a lot to handle at once! “Star! Calm down. Your scaring her.” Mewed another She-cat who padded up looking slightly annoyed and amused, “Your MoonKit right? This is StormKit, GoldKit, ShadowKit, RoseKit, and I’m PearlKit. You’ve already met StarKit.” Mewed PearlKit her cream colored fur brushing against Star’s telling her to calm it down a bit. “Umm. Nice to meet you. And umm what’s Moss Ball?” You ask curiously as the other kits sit down around her.
  3. After Moss Ball is explained to you you are told to pick a partner. Who do you pick?
  4. *Later on!* You are now two moons old. PearlKit and StarKit are going to be made apprentices and you get to go to the ceremony.You are supposed to invite someone to come with you. Who will you choose?
  5. Whoever you chose StormKit makes his way over and sits beside you. No matter what you say he won’t budge.You decide not to argue further and sit to watch the ceremony. You feel someone watching you and you turn to see ShadowKit watching you from behind his parents. What do you think about this?
  6. After the ceremony you trot up to your sister who is now StarPaw and Pearl who is now PearlPaw. You congratulate them and later that night you curl up in your nest in the nursery. ShadowKit is fast asleep along with StormKit.But GoldKit is watching you like a hawk. His eyes soften when you look at him though. You fall asleep and dream about?
  7. You wake up in the nursery and GoldKit is on top of you grooming you! He noticed that you are awake and smiles reaching to lick your ear. How do you react?
  8. *later on!* you are now six moons old and are becoming an apprentice! You leap around the nursery with the Toms as you giggle and laugh. That night names are being announced.Your leader, SwiftFang starts announcing, “Welcome fellow clan members. Today we are turning out kits into apprentices once again. First off is StormKit, you will now be called StormPaw. Your mentor is now RedTail. Respect the Warrior code and train to fight for our clan with honor. Now ShadowKit, you will now be called ShadowPaw. You will train as a Medicine Cat. Your mentor will be HoneyDew. Train to respect the code and heal our clan.GoldKit you will now be called GoldPaw. You will also train with RedTail. Respect the Warrior Code and fight honorably.Finally, MoonKit, your apprentice name will me MoonPaw. Your mentor will be StormLeaf. Respect the Warrior code and fight for your clan.” He yowled from high rock.This was it! You were finally going to be able to go to clan meetings and fight for your clan! Your names are cheered as you leave your ceremony you go to make your bed along with the three Toms. After your bed is made you crash. But before you can fall asleep you think about?:
  9. You are poked awake by ShadowPaw as he poked you awake. “What? What’s up?” You ask as you get up and stretch.“Training starts today remember?” ShadowPaw news as he takes her to the fresh kill pile for breakfast. “So why did you wake me up and not the others?”You ask curiously in a reading voice. “I- ugh. Did you not notice? They were already awake.” ShadowPaw explained quietly as he picked out a plump rabbit, “Wanna share?” How do you react to this?
  10. If you declined in anyway ShadowPaw looks hurt but nods and eats alone. While you rush off to grab a bird and eat on the way to training. You avoided ShadowPaw on purpose. Why?
  11. If you accepted ShadowPaw’s offer you two find a quiet corner and eat the rabbit quietly. ShadowPaw is looking around awkwardly until he finally meowed, “So how does it feel to be training to be an actual Warrior?” He asks softly. You take a bite and then reply, “It’s exciting to be able to serve my clan. What about you?” You ask. “I am really excited to be a Medicine cat. It’s been my dream ever since I got GreenCough and HoneyDew helped me by using Catmint.” ShadowPaw mewed as they finished the rabbit. “Wow. I didn’t know that happened. But your here now right?” You mewed I’m reply as the two of you stood up. “Yeah. I better get to HoneyDew for training.”ShadowPaw mewed. “Oh I forgot about training! See you later!”You call as the two of you part ways and head to training.
  12. *more time passes…* now PearlPaw and StarPaw are going to become full Warriors! The ceremony is tonight and you and the Toms wait anxiously to see the She-Cats again. They had all been so busy training the only chance they got to see them was bumping into them every so often.Later that night at the ceremony the leader comes up again to announce their Warrior names and congratulate them both. “Today we will be giving StarPaw and PearlPaw their Warrior names. StarPaw, you have been given the name StarLeaf by StarClan. Congratulations and please serve our clan well. PearlPaw, StarClan has given you the name PearlStorm. Congratulations and please serve our clan with loyalty.
  13. After congratulating PearlStorm and StarLeaf you pad into the apprentice den and head towards your nest where you find StormPaw waiting for you!!! “Good. Your finally here.” He purred as he got up and walked up to her and tried to lick your cheek. How do you react?
  14. If you reply by saying you have waited for this, he purrs and leans in and nuzzles you. ShadowPaw and GoldPaw stare heartbroken at the scene and leave.You rub yourself against him and purr and end up sleeping beside him that night.
  15. If you declined StormPaw in anyway he sighs and tries to nuzzle you anyway. You snarl and scratch him as the other Toms come in to see him about to touch his nose to yours. They growl and leap at him. ShadowPaw rushes towards you, “Are you hurt? What was he doing? Are you alright?” He asked in worry. Meanwhile GoldPaw is snarling viciously at StormPaw who tried to claw his underbelly.With a yowl PearlStorm leaps in and separates the two Toms with a growl, “What in StarClans name are you doing?! You two are brother and your fighting? What is it this time?” She snarled as she turned towards you and ShadowPaw who stood frozen in place.“MoonPaw what is happening here?!” She mewed as she stood between GoldPaw and StormPaw who were both glaring at ShadowPaw. “I-uh. I-I…” you stammer in disbelief at what just happened. “StormPaw tried to nuzzle her!” GoldPaw yowled angrily. “MoonPaw is this true?” PearlStorm asks you. “Yes. It is…” You reply still in shock. PearlStorm sighed, “You all know you are not aloud to do these things until you are Warriors right?” She mewed. “Yeah yeah yeah. Sis we don’t care. Moon was about to lean in too. It’s not like I forced her to do anything.”…
  16. *another two moons pass* your ceremony is tonight. You have been avoiding StormPaw because of the scene of events that happened earlier. He reaches out often but you ignore him. (If you chose to stay with him and nuzzle him you two act as if you don’t care about each other to keep your forbidden love secret) Your ceremony arrives and the clan gathers and cheers happily. “Attention!” Your leader yowls silencing the crowd, “Tonight we congratulate four apprentices who will now grow to take on their roles in the clan. GoldPaw, your Warrior name assigned by StarClan is GoldTail. You are now a Warrior. Please serve our clan well. StormPaw, StarClan has assigned you the name StormPelt. Please serve our clan as a a Warrior well. MoonPaw, StarClan has assigned you the name MoonSong. Please serve our clan well as a new Warrior. ShadowPaw, StarClan has assigned you the name ShadowFur. Will you take the responsibilty to become a Medicine Cat or will you become a Warrior?” The leader asked loud enough for the entire clan to hear.
  17. “No thank you. I would rather become a Warrior and be able to fight for my clan.” ShadowPaw said. “StarClan respects this response. Join as a Warrior then ShadowFur.” The leader nodded respectfully.
  18. After the ceremony you trot off into the woods for a little peace and quiet before heading back to the den to rest for the night. Rustling bushes catch your attention and you turn around to find ShadowFur, StormPelt, and GoldTail all standing in a line.
  19. “All three of us love you. You need to decide which one of us you live so we can stop fighting over you.” StormPelt meows. “That’s… Umm that’s a lot. I’m gonna have to sleep on it. (This answer will not affect your results)
  20. The next morning the Toms come up to you again. “Are you ready to choose?” GoldTail purred expecting you to choose him. StormPelt glared at GoldTail angrily meanwhile ShadowFur was looking down at his paws without faith that he would be chosen. “Okay…” you new softly, “I choose:
  21. *several moons later….* (IF YOU CHOSE STORMPELT THIS ONE IS YOUR ENDING.)You wake up next to StormPelt with a purr and he brushes his tail along your spine. With a jolt in your stomach you leap upright. “Storm…. It’s happening!!!” You yowl and he rushes You to the Medicine Den. Where, hours later five kits are curled up nursing and cuddling you. StormPelt walks in and crouches down to meet his kits. Three Toms and two she-cats. What will you name them?
  22. *several moons later…* IF YOU CHOSE GOLDTAIL THIS IS YOUR ENDING) It’s mid-day and you and your mate GoldTail are sharing a bird when suddenly you yowl with pain! Jolting up the two of you rush to the Medicine Den where the Medicine cats assist you until you give birth to three kits. All boys. What will you name them?
  23. *several moons later* (IF YOU CHOSE NONE OF THEM THIS IS YOUR ENDING) You wake up to a sunny day and nuzzle your single kit awake. You adopted her not too long ago but you already love her like you did your mother all those years ago. StormPelt, GoldTail, and ShadowFur all visit often and you enjoy your talks with your friends. Although you are a single mother you hope there is still someone out there for you. Your kit goes by the name?:
  24. *several moons later* (IF YOU CHOSE SHADOWFUR THIS IS YOUR ENDING!) You wake up in the medicine den with ShadowFur resting beside you. You glance up at him in pain and fear. Your pregnancy has been hard on you and your friends. You can’t even leave the Medicine Den to see them. But ShadowFur hasn’t left your side.But the Medicine Cat told you that today it’ll be over because her kits are supposed to come today.Hours later you are pushing as hard as you can your fur soaked with sweat as ShadowFur tries to support you however you can. Not long after this you are curled up with two kits that you think are perfect. What are the two girls names?:
  25. The end.
  26. Just a few questions! Sorry if you don’t like that. But I need feedback.Did you like this quiz?
  27. Should I make more for The Future generations?
  28. Who was your Favorite Tom?
  29. Is thirty questions too long?
  30. GoodBye. Have a great day!

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