Warrior Cats Love Story!!! (Part 1)

Hi! This is my first quiz! Its a warrior cats love story where you are a she cat in Cometclan. You have three toms to love or you might not love any of them. I hope you enjoy!

You just became a warrior of Cometclan! You are excited about warrior life... and potentially love life. Three toms are falling for you. They are Cloudfeather, Mistleblaze and Lionclaw!

Created by: Ash
  1. You listen to your name being chanted under the mossy tree in Cometclan camp. You are now a warrior! One of the toms comes up to you, its Mistleblaze! "Welcome to life as a warrior (your name)!
  2. The next day you are asked to go on a dawn patrol! Two toms go with you, Cloudfeather - the clan deputy and a tom you dont know. While Cloudfeather leads the way, the other tom says to you "Youre (your name) right?" You nod " Im Lionclaw" he replies.
  3. When back from the patrol, Cloudfeather offers to share some prey! Mistleblaze picks up a peice of prey and stalks off while Lionclaw is grooming himself. What do you do?
  4. It is now moon rise and you decide to get some sleep in the warriors cave. There are four available nests, one in the corner alone, one in the middle next to Cloudfeather, one on the side next to Mistleblaze or one at the back next to Lionclaw. Which do you choose?
  5. You wake up around sunhigh and go on a patrol alone. You found no trouble untill you found the sent of a rouge. Not just one, multiple. You rush back to camp and see the flames of battle! What do you do?
  6. At last the rogues run away yowling. You are injured but not badly, thank starclan. All of a sudden the three toms rush towards you all worried for you. "Are you ok (your name)" Mistleblaze asks and starts licking a wound on your shoulder. Cloudfeather gose to find the medicine cat apprentice and Lionclaw touches noses with you breifly.
  7. It is now after moon rise and you cuddle up next to (whoever you love's names) the warmth of his fur comforting you after a long day.
  8. Slightly Random but do you love anyone so far? If so who?
  9. Ok now.......

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