Warrior Cats Love Diamond - The Wild Love Life of ______

This quiz follows the journey of a young she-cat would falls in-love with three others cats! Good Starclan, Who'll she choose to be her mate forever!?

This quiz was make as 3am in the morning so some things might make no sense or the spelling won't check out XD im sorry lol. Enjoy the quiz.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Matt
  1. As the Hot Greenleaf air wisps around the Nursrey, your mother, Lilacfur would run her tounge over your head, as two kits around your age tussled about, Cootkit and Mildkit.
  2. Moons pass and your apprentice ceramony is finally here, Cootkit runs up to the Meetingrock, but quickly ran his tail along your side, seemingly on purpose.
  3. After coming back form your first training session with your mentor, and father Coalshadow. You wander into the apprentice den and see flowers lined on you bed.
  4. Cootpaw hisses something into Mildpaw's ear before troting over to your with a large smile on his face. "I hope you like the flowers ___paw." He purred, laying his tail on your flank.
  5. After Cootpaw's mentor, Mistytree calls to him and he leave the den, You notice Mildpaw stalking up to you, and unclear look in his eyes. "Hey ____paw, Want to go for a walk?" He said extending his tail.
  6. You wake from your rest when you realise its time for your Warrior Ceramony! You padd to the Meeting Rock and choose to sit closer to..
  7. Alderstar names Cootpaw, Cootsong, and Mildpaw is Now Mildvine.. Both walk up to you a glimmer in his eye. Cootsong speaks first. "We should go hunting before we do out vigil! I want to show you somethi–" Mildvine inturupts him, "I want to show you someplace special.."
  8. [YOU PICKED TO GO WITH COOTSONG] As Cootsong guides you into the forest, holding your fore-arm with his tail, he brings you to the side of the lake and spalshes water on you. "Come on!"
  9. [YOU CHOSE MILDVINE] Mildvine led you deep into the forest and stopped at a deep cave where beautiful shining mushrooms grew, and purred running his tail down your face.
  10. [YOU CHOSE TO WANDER ON YOUR OWN] You follow a heavily used trail when you find a scent, but before you could do anything about it you a Sleek Dark Ginger Tomcat, with blood on his muzzle pins you to the floor. "Hello there love.." He purred licking your neck.
  11. [YOU PICKED THE NEW TOM] "Mmm, Thats odd, you give in to the killer of your father." He said before licking your forehead.
  12. [YOU PICKED COOTSONG] "How dare you try to call for that over-proud tom!" Blade hissed leaping off you but not without a slash on her arm.
  13. [YOU CHOOSE MILDVINE] Blade would hiss before leaping off you and slashing the side of your ear, quickly vanishing into the forest.

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