Warrior Cats Love Quiz! (reccomended for she-cats)

Hello everyone, and welcome to my little quiz! It has 10 questions, and it's my first quiz, so I hope you'll like it. I don't reccomend it for young vievers (under 8 years old).

You are Ivy'Kit of FeatherClan, born with your sister in one litter. There are more cats in the clan, but you can only choose one mate. Who will be the lucky one?

Created by: Emerald_Pawzz
  1. Welcome to my quiz! I hope you like it, it's a love story with some twists. Well, I think we should start alredy!
  2. You are born to Snow'Fox, a light gray tabby she-cat, with olive eyes, and Silver'Shell, a dark silver tom with darker spots. Your sister is Hay'Kit, a dark gray striped shekitty. The leader of FeatherClan is Wave'Breeze, a black she-cat, and Clear'Ear is the deputy. The medicine cat is Fog'Pool. In the nursery, there are two more litter of kits, both older than you: Turtle'Kit, a light calico hekitty, with a red underbelly and red paws. Fox'Kit, a red hekitty, with black paws and white belly. Lake'Kit, a brown striped hekitty, and Sun'Kit, a golden spotted shekitty. Who do you talk to?
  3. You are waken up by Wave'Star's yowl: "All cats of FeatherClan, gather under the Sky Rock!" You excitedly get up, knowing, it's alredy time for your apprentice cermony! You run out of the nursery with Hay'Kit at your side."We have six new apprentices. Turtle'Kit, Fox'Kit, Lake'Kit, Sun'Kit, Hay'Kit and Ivy'Kit, step forward. Blahblahblahblah." -- Everyone starts cheering your new names, and a proud smile appears on your sisters face. You look at all of the new apprentices, and try to decide, which will you congratulate first.
  4. After the ceremony, your mentor Spark'Path comes up to you, and asks: "Well, hello, Ivy'Paw. I think we can train with one of the apprentices, which one do you wanna start your start your training with?"
  5. No matter who you chose, your mentor decides that it will be better for you to train alone. You go to the training area, and Spark'Path shows you some battle moves. Afterwards, he says that yo can stay there and practice, as long as you come back after. You nod, and start training. Then, you hear something in the bushes... You unsheate your claws, and let out a little hiss... What do you do?
  6. Suddenly, before you can do anything, a white figure with black stripes jumps at you. You smell other clans scent. "H-Hey! What are you doing on FeatherClan's territory!" The apprentice jumps over, and apolagizes to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to attack you! I thought you're a rabbit..." You laugh it of, and start talking with him. He reavels, that his name is MOuse'Paw, and he is an apprentice from one moon. He is from StreamClan. You feel something for Mouse'Paw after talking, but shrug it off. What it was?... You don't know, you never felt like this. You see all of the apprentices gathered in the centre of the camp, and you wonder what's going on. What do you do?
  7. Someone tells you, that a StreamClan warrior has crossed the border. Fox'Paw mutters: "I'll rip they're skin off, if I find them!" He growled quietly. His brother, Turtle'Paw gives him an unfriendly look as he says that. "You'll scare the kits, Fox'Paw..." You notice the look that Fox'Paw gave to his brother. You understood, they didn't like eachother. After eating and sharing tongues, you all go to sleep. You Can't sleep, so you just lay in your den with your eyes closed. Ten, you hear Yurtle'Paw and Fox'Paw fighting."Keep your paws off Ivy'Paw, Fox'Paw! She will never like you!" -- Fox'Paw hissed at his brother, and you opened one eye, to see what's going on. "Ha! The day she likes you, Turtle'Paw, will be the day that I'll die! She'll be MINE!" You peak your ears up, unbelivably. They are fighting about you! Who do you support in your mind?
  8. As you all grow older, you get your warrior names: Turtle'Heart, Fox'Tooth, Lake'Song, Sun'Storm, Hay'Whisker and Ivy'Fall. You get closer to Mouse'Wing, and you become close friends. When there is a gathering, you see Mouse'Wing, but you see other warriors too. Who do you go talk to?
  9. One day, when you are just taking a peacfull walk in the territory, you hear footsteps. You walk toards the bush, and discover....
  10. ... Turtle'Heart, Fox'Tooth, Lake'Song, Mouse'Wing and Sun'Storm. Fox'Tooth walks forward and says: "Ivy'Fall, we all have feelings for you. Who of us you will chose?"

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