The Love Story of a StreamClan Warrior; Chapter One: Kithood

In this first quiz, you are a kit just born to Lionfur and Fierceheart in Streamclan. However, you kithood will be much different then most. You already have 3 cats hitting on you. Will you cause trouble? Or will you try to solve problems and keep the peace? Or will you claw the crap out of them to make it clear your not interested? This is your kithood, you decide!

Listen, I know a lot of these questions are long, and I know some of them are quite boring. However, this is the first quiz I've ever made on any website. If you have suggestions or feedback, please leave a comment! I want to hear from you. Other then that, a lot of the characters in these quizzes are characters out of some of my fan fics. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Sunfeather07
  1. You hear voices around you. You can identify your fathers, Lionfur, and your mothers, Fierceheart. You hear who you later find out is your sisters, a kit named Larkkit. "When will (Your name here) open her eyes? Me, Swiftkit (You find out later he's your brother), and Thunderkit need an extra kit to play with" she whined. 'I'm not going to make them think that I'm to weak that I can't even open my eyes!' you think. You flutter your eyes open. Lionfur purred. "Look at that, Larkkit. You inspired your sister to open her eyes!" You look around wide eyed. 'It's so big!' You catch Thunderkit's eye. He stares softly at you in return. Larkkit interupts, "You wanna play Mouse hunt now?" (Im sorry this was so long, the rest won't be)
  2. You walk out of the nursery with the rest of your kits and play Mouse hunt. When it's your turn to be the mouse, Thunderkit lands on top of you as two apprentices padded over. "Hey there," the bigger of the two said. You look up to see a strong handsome tom staring down at you. "Um... hi!" you blush, and he blushes back. Thunderkit is looking at you funny. You squeeze out from underneath him. You clear your throat. "Um... who are you?" The tom that she had spoken to previously held his head up. “I am Ravenpaw! And this is my brother, Moonpaw!” Moonpaw smiled at you, and you couldn’t help yourself from smiling back. Ravenpaw looked at his brother and glared at him, and Thunderkit’s fur was starting to bristle. Ravenpaw comes over and whispers in your ear, “Follow me.” and he padded away, waiting for you to follow. What do you do?
  3. You follow Ravenpaw to a bush behind the apprentices den. "Behind this bush there is a way to outside, we can go if you'd like?" You shift your paws nervously. "What if we get caught?" you ask. He looked at you sincerly and said, "I promise by every hair on my body that we won't get caught. Come on," he said teasingly, "I'll beat you there!" What will you do?
  4. You follow him out of camp. You two chase each other and pounce and roll and wrestle and have a great time. You play until you end up going over the stepping stones while playing. Right before you go to pounce on Ravenpaw, you hear a voice. "Hey there youngins. Ain't you a little far from home?" He sneered. Ravenpaw ushers you back behind him and he arches his back protectivly. He whispers to you, "We must have crossed over the BreezeClan border while we were playing." He turned to the warrior. "Please," He pleaded, "leave us alone. We were playing and didn't realize where we were going. She's just a kit, and I'm only an apprentice." The older cat seemed to ponder this, then said, "So you guys snuck out? I won't hurt you, but I'll have to speak to your leader." You could see Ravenpaw start to panic, and you knew you two were about to get in SERIOUS trouble. What will you do?
  5. You walk back to camp with Ravenpaw, who's comforting you now. Your leader jumps down from his rock. "What are you doing here, Featherclaw?" She looked down at us. "We've found these two straying over our border." Blizzardstar looked down sternly at us. "I see. Well, we'll take care of it from here. I wish you off well" She dipped her head and walked out. He looked furious, disappointed, and stern at the same time. "Well, this behavior is unacceptable. I'm afraid I'll have to delay your apprenticeship by 2 moons, (Your name), and for you, my son. You will be sentenced to the elders den for 4 moons. Now, don't do it again." Ravenpaw looks outraged. "But father! Don't delay (Your name)'s apprenticeship! It was all my fault! Please!" He turned around. "Ok son, fine. (Your name), you will have your apprenticeship with your siblings. I'll let you both off easy this time, but don't do it again." Ravenpaw looks at you and smiles. "I told you we wouldn't get in trouble." He looks at you, waiting for you to respond. What do you do?
  6. 5 moons later)You are sleeping with you brother and sister, but you notice that Thunderkit's not in his nest. You squeeze away from your siblings, and stalk off toward the entrance. You stop dead when you hear voices outside. "You could have gotten her in trouble!" Thunderkit growled. "At least I tried to do something more mature then Mouse hunt with her! What were you doing while we were gone, huh? Were you worried? No!" Ravenpaw sneered. "What if Featherclaw was evil? Then she couldv'e died, and it would've been on your paws!" Moonpaw hissed. You heard some yowls from them all fighting. You rush out and pull them off each other. Moonpaw looks ashamed, Ravenpaw looks horrified, and Thunderkit looks in pretty rough condition. What do you do?
  7. The Next day) "May all cat who are old enough to swim gather around Streamrock for a clan meeting!" Blizzardstar yowled. "Today, two amazing apprentices are ready to become warriors." He looked down at his two sons. "Ravenpaw would you please...." you zoned out from there. All you could think was how this would make it so much more difficult to be with...
  8. "Ravenclaw! Moonheart!" Blizzardstar chants. You along with everyone else chant with them. Moonheart and Ravenclaw bound over to where you, Thunderkit, Larkkit, and Swiftkit are. "Hey there, (Your name), I can't believe I'm a warrior!" Ravenclaw exclaimed. Then he looked slyly at you. "I did it, and this time, I didn't sneak out of camp." You look up at him, and his eyes were beaming with affection. "Hey there, (Your name)." Moonheart says softly. "Tonight, I want you to meet me beside your den" he says before putting, "Don't worry; we aren't sneaking out of camp." Then he laps you over the ear before bounding toward Sunfeather, the deputy. Ravenclaw follows him, although you can see he's tense after what Moonheart did. Thunderkit takes you away from the others. "What did he tell you?" he said, pain flashing through his eyes. "He just said he wanted to tell me something before his vigil," you lied. Thunderkit seemed to calm down after that. You go back and sit in the middle of camp. What do you do now?
  9. That Night) You wake up around the time Moonheart said to. You made sure that Thunderkit was sound asleep before quietly padding out. You see Moonheart. "Hey there, (Your name) I'm glad to see you." You nod. "Follow me" he says, before climbing on top of the apprentices den. You gulp. "Come on, I'll help you up, and I promise, you won't fall" You gaze up to his warm eyes. Full of love, and affection... and then you find yourself on top of the den. "Why are we up here?" You ask. He gazes at the moon. "I've always felt more alive at night under the moon. Like all the great warriors of the past are looking down upon us from Starlight." You gaze at him in awe, and purr. He purrs back. He entwines your tail with his. "Listen, (Your name). Even though I'm a warrior, and you'll be a new apprentice tomorrow, I want you to always know that... I'll always be here for you. And when you become a warrior, maybe we can be more then friends" You blush, and so does he. You brush up against him. Then, you see movement in the corner of your eye. It's Thunderkit! His eyes flash with suprise when you see him, and pain right after. He sprints back to the nursery. What do you do?
  10. Next day) Blizzardstar had given you your apprentice name! (Your prefix)paw! Your mentor was Sunfeather, and your super excited! Thunderkit is training with Ravenclaw, your sister with Moonheart, and your brother decided to be a medicine cat, training with Sparrowfall. Will these pairs make for trouble? Or will your lovers still fight for you? Find out in Chapter two: Apprenticeship!

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