First Responder Quiz

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Hey!! Ever wonder if you have what it takes to be a firefighter/emt/paramedic? This quiz will lay out some questions, starting from basic, common knowledge to some more extreme questions. Test your knowledge!

I'm a certified firefighter, and almost a certified emt, so I'm still in the learning process myself, but most of this knowledge is self explanatory anyways! So go ahead, see how developed your understanding of medicine and life-saving skills is!

Created by: WowCrazyInsane
  1. First question. Someone collapses next to you on the train. When checking their pulse, it's present and strong. They're breathing at a normal rate, but when you try and revive them, they don't answer or open their eyes. This person would be considered:
  2. What is the person who drives the fire truck called?
  3. What is the difference between a fire truck and a fire engine?
  4. What vehicle do paramedics ride out on?
  5. Quick! CPR check! On a typical adult patient, how many compressions do you perform before you administer rescue breaths?
  6. What do stroke symptoms look like?
  7. You're a 9-1-1 operator. What should be the FIRST piece of information you obtain from your caller?
  8. What would a grease fire in your kitchen be classified as?
  9. It's night time in the fire station. If someone calls 9-1-1, will you be issued to the call?
  10. What does an AED do?
  11. Your friend has hurt themselves quite badly. You check their injury, and it's definitely some type of burn. It's red, shiny, blistering, and you can see some major swelling. What type of burn is this?
  12. Your friend has hurt themself again! They're quite clumsy. This time, you can't see the injury, but when looking closely at their face, their pupils are different sizes. You ask them what their name is, but they sort of just stare. What may have happened to your friend?
  13. You decide to call someone to come examine your friend. What would you describe their symptoms as?
  14. What does the cardiovascular system cover?
  15. Last question. Which of the following physical findings would be most indicative of a patient with suspected pneumothorax?

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