Which Greek God/Goddess Is It? Beginner Level Quiz

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How well do you know your Greek mythology? Test your skill in Greek Mythology. Keep the myths alive! This is a very standard, beginner level quiz. Good Luck!

How well do you know The Greek Olympian Pantheon? Test your skill by choosing the correct god or goddess. Choose the best answer for each question. Choose carefully….

Created by: Erin Danielle
  1. Goddess of magic, witchcraft, Herbs, the Crossroads, and liminal spaces. Acted as a psychopomp for Persephone on her way to the Underworld to marry Hades.
  2. God of disease and the sun.
  3. Jealous wife and goddess of childbirth marriage.
  4. Kidnapped goddess of the spring and daughter of Demeter,
  5. Goddess of agriculture and goddess associated with the Mystery Schools.
  6. Beautiful goddess of love and the mother of Cupid.
  7. Goddess of the hunt and virgin sister of Apollo.
  8. Goddess born from Zeus who is the namesake of a city in Greece.
  9. God of wine, madness, and revelry. Known to attract a mass following of crazed, drunken women.
  10. Lord of the Underworld who kidnapped the lovely Persephone, daughter of Demeter.
  11. God of horses, earthquakes and the ocean.
  12. Thunder god and supreme leader of the Greek pantheon.
  13. Crippled god of blacksmiths and husband of Aphrodite.
  14. God of war and lover of Aphrodite and most unpopular of the gods.

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