Which Major Greek God/Goddess Are You?

Greek Mythology is the most famous mythology in the world. It is very interesting, in fact, there were different movie adaptations of this. What also makes it wonderful is how every character differs from each other, be it in appearance, behavior, and even power.

Are you aware of which among the Greek Mythology personalities your attitude fits the most? Well, take this quiz and you will know which gods/goddesses is the same as you are. Enjoy!!

Created by: Aljay Ambos
  1. Are you willing to lead a group?
  2. Do you enjoy having a sea trip?
  3. Do you love being alone?
  4. Do you consider consequences before making decisions?
  5. Is the way you look your main concern?
  6. Can you keep secrets?
  7. Are you a competitive person?
  8. Do you love music?
  9. Do you love literature?
  10. Do you enjoy adventure?
  11. Which do you like more?
  12. Do you easily trust someone?

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Quiz topic: Which Major Greek God/Goddess am I?