Sweet, sour or spicy

This quiz shows whether you're a spicy, sweet, or sour type of person. E.g., if you are sweet, it will show that you're sweet at the end of the quiz and say what a sweet person is

Complete the quiz by answering the questions to find out if you're a sweet, spicy, or sour person. E.g. When finished answering all 10 questions it will show what type of person you are.

Created by: 9627664
  1. Choose what you prefer
  2. Are you insecure?
  3. Do you like cheese
  4. Spicy sour or sweet?
  5. Whats your type?
  6. You and your friend are in a fight. She/he has hurt your feelings. What do you do?
  7. Someone asks you out that you don't like. How do you let them down?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. What is your fave pizza topping?
  10. Your best friend has a boyfriend/girlfriend who keeps on flirting with you. What do you do?

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