Would Mr.lee our geometry teacher like you?

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will our geometry teacher like you?it said it has to have at least 150 characters so here are the 150 characters.still needs more charecters. OMG still needs more.

pass the quiz to see how much our whimsical and preppy geometry teacher!!!!! it said it has to have at least 150 characters so here are the 150 characters.

Created by: Kevin of nunu queen
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you racist?
  2. Pick a name.
  3. Do you have money?
  4. Have you ever searched up "how to kill Mr.lee"?
  5. Do you like Bustarymes?
  6. Do you do your Big Ideas and IXL?
  7. Do you ask for extra credit?
  8. Do you do your mini-Assessment?
  9. Do you eat popcorn in class?
  10. Do you have a Jamaican accent?
  11. Do you get excited for more work?
  12. Did you make a movie about math class?
  13. Do you like cearial?
  14. Do you enjoy your students company?
  15. What's your favorite car?
  16. Is kettle corn better then butter corn?
  17. Do you have a secrete OF page?
  18. What's your favorite marvel character?
  19. Is period 6 your favorite class?

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