Is your teacher pregnant?

Have you ever seen your teacher and thought "wow, she's probably pregnant"?? This quiz might help a bit with determining if your teacher will have her own little bundle of joy in a few months

A few months ago I noticed my teacher had a bump that was unproportionate to her skinny body and from then on started taking notes of everything in an attempt to determine whether or not she was pregnant. (She is, she told us last week!) one of these would've been so helpful to me so I hope you enjoy

Created by: Zoe
  1. Does she have a bump?
  2. Does she have mood swings?
  3. Does she keep her hands on her stomach?
  4. Does she wear heels?
  5. Does your teacher have kids already?
  6. Has your teacher's style changed drastically to hide her bump?
  7. Is your teacher forgetful?
  8. Has she been out sick a lot in the past few months?
  9. Has your teacher ever said something about a weird smell?
  10. Is your teacher motherly?

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Quiz topic: Is my teacher pregnant?
