Are you pregnant?

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Hey! So today we'll be seeing if you're pregnant or not. This quiz is ideally only for girls who have started their period, but if you haven't, or you're a boy, you're welcome!

This test isn't always 100% accurate. If you think you're pregnant, please take a pregnancy test. If you have any symptoms for other reasons, please answer "No".

Created by: Somebody
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you on your period?
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/husband?
  4. If you answered "Yes" to the last question, do you "make love" (you know what I mean) in your relationship? If so, how often?
  5. Do you feel nausea with &/or without vomiting?
  6. Do your breasts feel tender?
  7. Are you urinating more frequently?
  8. Have you missed a period or had a very light period recently?
  9. Any food cravings or increased/decreased appetite?
  10. Backache?

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Quiz topic: Am I pregnant?
