Could I Be Pregnant?

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Are you feeling sick? Do you have an increased appetite or having cravings? Missed your period? Are you feeling pregnant? Take this quiz to see if you're pregnant.

Note, this may not be fully accurate. If you think you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test or go to your doctor. They will have more accurate answers than this quiz.

Created by: Rachel
  1. Are you feeling nauseous and/or vomiting?
  2. Have you missed your period? If so, how long?
  3. Have you had an increased appetite and/or weird cravings?
  4. Are you constipated?
  5. Have you been urinating more than usual?
  6. Are your breasts tender/swollen?
  7. Have you been more tired than usual lately?
  8. Have you been moodier than usual?
  9. Have you been having headaches?
  10. Have you been cramping?

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