Are you naturally Beautiful????

Please take my quiz to find out if ur naturally beautiful or not, note I say naturally. This means ur not beautiful cuz ur wearing skincare or makeup but NATURALLY beautiful.

Please take it! I assure you it’s true and it works. Please rate and comment at the end so I know what the results r! Good luck! Sorry if your result says your ugly!

Created by: AlareB_42W
  1. What colour is ur hair
  2. What length is ur hair
  3. Why is ur hair like
  4. What is ur hair like (soz 4 all these hair questions)
  5. Do u have big eyes?
  6. Do u wear makeup or use skincare
  7. do u dye/highlight ur hair?
  8. What’s ur skin like (without makeup or skincare)
  9. Do people, (apart from ur family) say u look beautiful?
  10. Do u….
  11. Does ur hair get messy quickly

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Quiz topic: Am I naturally Beautiful????
