How beautiful are you?

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Do you know if you are beautiful? When this quiz is over, you will find out. 100% is out of the charts. 0%... is below the charts. You will see the result at the end of this quiz.

Are you one of those glorious, great looking specimens or are you ugly? Find out by taking this little quiz. You can't always be model beautiful, but you may just be. Thank God for makeup, eh??

Created by: ZombiRulz

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you are beautiful?
  2. What is your hair colour?
  3. What is your eye colour?
  4. Do you wear make-up?
  5. Do you have a boyfriend? (BF)
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. Did you like this quiz?
  8. Rate?
  9. Comment?
  10. Make sure not to post any mean comments, okay?

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I?