Am I beautiful?

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this quiz is really just for all of you who wonder if your pretty don't need a quiz to tell you I can everyone is beautiful in there own way

some of the words may be misspelled but i hope you still enjoy it and get great results because you are beautiful and don"t let anyone tell you otherwise not everyone is going to think your pretty but oh well who cares

Created by: beauty
  1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10
  2. Has anyone ever called you pretty
  3. have you ever called someone ugly
  4. what type of personality do you have
  5. how was this quizz
  6. are you beautiful to yourself
  7. how many boyfriends have you had
  8. how many friends do you have
  9. do you think your pretty
  10. thanks for taking the quiz rate it from 1-10

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