If you were a wolf, what would you be?

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Welcome to the “what wolf would you be?” Quiz! No bull, no crap. No bullcrap. Just answer honestly, or answer for your oc’s to see what disasters you’ve made, i wont judge! This quiz is for all ages, therian or not, but i assume most of you will be of the furry type.

These questions are all related to the results, and most will change your result by at least 1 point. Some will change your result more drastically, so choose wisely and enjoy!

Created by: EverestIX12
  1. what would your social standards be?
  2. What’s your main goal?
  3. What’s your mindset in real life?
  4. How likely are you to start a fight?
  5. Where does your spirit lie?
  6. What do you want to be?
  7. Good luck!(This quiz is on what kind of wolf you are, answer 4 choosers!)
  8. Hmmm i need more questions.
  9. These questions are still changing your results, btw.
  10. And finally, what’s your favorite animal?

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