Wich belly do you want on your girlfriend?

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At first quiz is just for fun and doesn't work for people who love extrem fat or extrem slim women. In the End there are five different possible results.

Hopefully you will have fun playing this quiz. Let you suprise in the end and have fun by solving this quiz. And btw you can help me by giving me a good feedback.

Created by: Random_Dude
  1. This gonna be a bit of a roleplay. Are you ready?
  2. A beautiful slim girl asks you to go out with her. What are you answering?
  3. She agrees. To wich restaurant are you taking her?
  4. After some time, she gains 10lbs. You can see a small curve at her belly. What are you doing?
  5. Now she gained another 50lbs. She's now getting pretty fat. But what are you doing?
  6. A year passed. Now she gained 200lbs. What are you doing?
  7. Do you like belly stuffing?
  8. You take her in a restaurant again. How much do you feed her.
  9. In the end, she weights about 300lbs. Do you like that
  10. Did you liked this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Wich belly do I want on my girlfriend?
