Am I skinny, normal, chubby, overweight or obese?

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Hi, I am 11 years old and I wanted to make this quiz to see what people think I am, I’ve took some quizzes before but they all said chubby which I think is wrong. ( I have nothing else to say so the next is just giberish)


Created by: Bob freeman
  1. When I stand and look down I can’t see my feet or toes, this is
  2. I have a double chin this is
  3. My thighs wobble for three seconds this is
  4. My thighs spread 3-4 inches and that isn’t even on a hard chair this is
  5. When I sit with a straight back my I don’t have any roles but my belly overhangs my waistline a bit this is
  6. When I slouch my belly turns into one fat role with three smaller ones on top
  7. When I sit and bend over my belly turns into three fat roles and hides my waistband
  8. When I pinch my moobs I get about an inch
  9. What do you think you’ll get? (Does not effect score)
  10. What do you think you are? (No effect)
  11. Finally , I’m 5’0 and 47.5 kg

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