Are you skinny, chubby, fat, or obese?

Hey I was just bored and saw a quiz like this so I made one. And this has to be at least 150 letters so ignore these letters owiherbfoihwebrhfoibweroihfbhoiwebfvohi

Enjoy! This one also has to have 150 so wieirygvyoiwefbviohwbefilhvbwefilhcbhliwefblhicwbedhlicbwlhiebdcilhwebdlihbiwbelidhcbwhliedhbclhiwebdchlibweldihcchi

Created by: Rose
  1. How many rolls do you have when sitting?
  2. When you are standing and look straight down what do you see?
  3. What is your waist size? (Inches)
  4. How much of your belly can you hold?
  5. Do you feel the need to suck in your stomach some times?
  6. You are home alone and your fav food is in the kitchen what do you do?
  7. When does your belly jiggle?
  8. Would you step on a scale in front of people?
  9. Does your belly hang out when you wear something low rise?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I skinny, chubby, fat, or obese?
