Which "Little Women" sister are you?

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Hi and welcome to our quiz! If you are here, you know and love the book Little Women and want to know which sister you are. Please enjoy this quiz !

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Created by: Misty and Lily
  1. Hi guys, did you read the summary at the top?
  2. Lets start the quiz. So, to begin, lets look at your appearance. What color is your hair?
  3. What is your figure?
  4. How shy are you?
  5. What is your morning beauty routine?
  6. How often do you dress up? Like, how often do you wear nice pants or a skirt with a nice top, or a dress?
  7. For the next few questions, pick a hobby out of the list.
  8. Next list:
  9. Next list:
  10. Which arts class would you most like to take?
  11. Which academic class?
  12. Which job would you like?
  13. Which word describes your personality?
  14. Same again.
  15. What is a toxic trait you have?
  16. Same again.

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Quiz topic: Which "Little Women" sister am I?