Would I date you? Girls and guys age 11-14 only!

Hi! My name is Poppy and I'm a bisexual twelve year old English girl! In this quiz, you'll find out whether you're my type of not. I'd like to ask all strait girls and gay guys to leave please, as I'm a girl. So that's lesbians, bi girls, and guys only. I tend to lean towards the lesbian side of me, but boys are fine too. โ˜บ

Here's a quick discribion of me: light brown/blonde frizzy wavey shoulder-length hair, bluey grey eyes, not fat, but not thin, a little chubby, I guess you'd call it. Height 5'0, weight 47kg, glasses with a thick black thrame, but I don't have to wear them all the time, just if I'm watching tv or seeing a show, but I like wearing them as they make me look really cute!

Created by: Poppy .B
  1. What gender are you?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Are you:
  4. Not that it matters, as i would love ya whatever, but what race are you?
  5. Again it doesn't matter, but what weight R U?
  6. Height?
  7. Cats or dogs?
  8. Books or movies?
  9. Are you aloud to watch 12+?
  10. What hair type are you?
  11. What's your hair colour?
  12. Eye colour?
  13. Opinion on Rick Riordan:
  14. Opinion on J.K. Rowling:
  15. Opinion on A. F. Steadman:
  16. Opinion on the name Annabelle?
  17. Fave band/singer?
  18. Chocochip cookies are:
  19. Fave colour?
  20. Vegetarian?
  21. Religion?
  22. opinion on LGBTQ+ ?
  23. This will sound stupid, but do you believe in faries?
  24. Animals are:
  25. Is 25 questions too many?

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