Is Korea meant for you?(girls only)

This quiz will determine whether you fit Korean beauty standards this quiz made me write a lot so just enjoy this quiz to the fullest for me k? Slay gurl

Also do not take it personal.make sure you rate this quiz and also do not forget to comment in the comments section after you take the quiz. Hope you enjoy

Created by: Michelle
  1. first I need you to understand that you are beautiful k?
  2. What is your skin tone? (Not racist)
  3. Is your skin clear?
  4. What is your eye shape?
  5. Do you have heart shape lips?
  6. what is ur nose shape?
  7. What is your lip colour?
  8. What size are your lips?
  9. Are your lips plump?
  10. Do you have a V lined jaw?
  11. What is your face shape?
  12. What is your body type?
  13. What is ur hair type?
  14. Is ur hair smooth and silky?
  15. Lastly did you like this quiz?

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