How much do you know about North Korea?

This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. You should not take it to heart. This quiz is all about your knowledge on North Korea. I wonder how high you can get?

Please remember that this quiz is very difficult and if you are unhappy with your score, then you can research North Korea and do it again. Good luck!

Created by: Ellie
  1. Who is the current leader of North Korea?
  2. What type of government is North Korea's?
  3. True or false: Kim Jong-Un has a daughter.
  4. True of false: Kim Jong-Un has called a food crisis.
  5. True or false: There are 10 permitted haircuts for women and 18 for men.
  6. What is the capital city of North Korea?
  7. North Korea has a different calendar to us. When does it start?
  8. Why are most North Koreans very skinny?
  9. Which of these is a law in North Korea?
  10. True or false: North Korea has no leisure facilities.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about North Korea?
