Which Is It Cake 2 Contestant Are You (Girls Edition)

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In this quiz, you get to find out which Is It Cake Too contestant you are. Unfortunately, due to my little knowledge of Jarid Altmark, he is not in this quiz.

Created by: InaccurateQuizzes
  1. It's the middle of the night, and you're craving something to eat. You dig through your kitchen, but the only food left is these: pizza, juice, water, sushi, and cake. What do you choose to eat?
  2. The next day, you have to get ready for school. It's the first day, and you know a good first impression makes a lasting impact. What do you choose to wear?
  3. In school, some kid mocks you for having "horrible food" during lunch. You watch them eating their own food, which, in your opinion, looks much worse. What do you do/say?
  4. After school, you have to choose an after school activity for extra credit. However, when you see all the activites, most are taken up by little kids. What do you do?
  5. When you finally return home, your mother is cooking in the kitchen. She asks you to come join her and cook, but you have lots of homework. What do you do?
  6. After an hour of work, it's time for dinner. Your parents call you down, and only then do you notice it's your least favorite dish. What is that dish?
  7. It's time to do chores. The cloth that you usually use to wipe the table is getting stinky... The other cloth is dirty, though. Which do you use?
  8. Finally, it's time for bed. What's your go-to bedtime story?
  9. As you fall asleep, you hear a loud noise. It rings so loud that you can't possibly sleep. What do you think that noise is?
  10. When you still can't sleep, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which Is It Cake 2 Contestant am I (Girls Edition)
