What modern American ideology do you follow?

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In this quiz, you will answer 16 questions that will try to determine what contemporary (As of 2024) American political ideology best suits you! Please do note that this is likely to be inaccurate and there are far better political tests than this.

This test includes many different ideologies in contemporary American politics such as Neoconservatism, Progressivism, Libertarianism, and Trumpism among others for a total of 9 different ideologies.

Created by: Walter White
  1. If you had to vote between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who would you vote?
  2. Should we send foreign aid to assist Israel or Ukraine in their conflicts?
  3. Who is the best U.S. President of all time, at least out of these 8?
  4. What makes someone an American?
  5. What is the ideal economics system?
  6. What party do you generally vote for or support?
  7. What website do you go on the most?
  8. What country do you think the United States should be more like?
  9. How should immigrants be dealt with?
  10. Should drugs be legalized?
  11. Are minorities still being treated unfairly in the U.S?
  12. What is your opinion on the LGTBQ community?
  13. Do you think that it would be justified to revolt against a tyrannical government?
  14. What is your opinion on religion in politics?
  15. What should be done about separatist movements in the country?
  16. Lastly, do you believe in traditional gender roles?

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Quiz topic: What modern American ideology do I follow?
