What Kaiserredux Ideology are you?

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A political test that will assign you an ideology from the "Kaiserredux" mod for the videogame "Hearts Of Iron IV", released by Paradox Interactive in 2015.

It is probably highly inaccurate as entirely different political persuasions are lumped together, Some ideologies are entirely fictitious *cough* syndicalism *cough* and Libertarians/Anarchists do not get a separate ideology.

Created by: Soymund Jaklund
  1. What is your stance on Social Policy
  2. What is your stance on Private Ownership of Property (not means of production)
  3. What is your stance on ownership of the Means of Production
  4. What is your stance on Competition in the Economy/Freedom of Markets
  5. What is your stance on Nationality
  6. What is the legitimate French Government?
  7. What is your stance on the Separation of Church and state
  8. Which of these parties would you rather vote for? (Look them up if you're unfamiliar)
  9. Which of these dictatorships are the best/least bad (look them up if unfamiliar)
  10. Last Question: which of these contemporary political ideologies do you identify with?

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Quiz topic: What Kaiserredux Ideology am I?
