1936 Election Quiz (KX)

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Welcome to the 1936 Kaiserredux Election Quiz! This quiz is designed to help you discover which candidate best matches your views in the unique alternate history universe of Kaiserredux. With a series of 20 questions spanning various topics, you'll be able to explore different political stances in an easy-to-understand way. Each question has six possible answers, each representing the ideology of a specific candidate.

Answer truthfully and thoughtfully to get the most accurate result. Remember, this quiz is all about learning more about your own perspectives and having fun in the process. Enjoy discovering your ideal candidate!

Created by: Quinnz
  1. How should the government handle the economy?
  2. What do you think about social welfare programs?
  3. How should the government deal with big companies and monopolies?
  4. What should be the government's role in education?
  5. What is your stance on healthcare?
  6. How should the government approach foreign policy?
  7. What do you think about taxes?
  8. What should be done about unemployment?
  9. How should we handle immigration?
  10. What do you think about labor unions?
  11. What should the government do about housing?
  12. How should we handle environmental issues?
  13. What should the government do about transportation?
  14. What is your stance on gun control?
  15. What do you think about free speech and civil liberties?

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