Australian Political Quiz

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Australian politics is possibly one of the most dynamic on earth with competing ideologies and political parties trying to gain influence in the traditional two party system.

Decide which party and ideology you would be if you are an Australian! Choose the answers carefully and search up if you don’t understand what an Aussie political term means.

Created by: Applesky
  1. What policies should the government implement for the economy to increase the growth rate, reduce inflation, and solve the contemporary housing crisis?
  2. What policies should the government do with climate change?
  3. 3. What should the government do with immigration?
  4. What do you think about the US-Australia Alliance?
  5. What do you think about the successful same-sex marriage referendum?
  6. 6. What do you think about the church?
  7. What should the government do for higher education?
  8. 8. What do you think about the failed Voiced Referendum?
  9. Which leader do you prefer for the next general election?
  10. Finally, which party do you most affiliate yourself with?

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