Which Party are You (Denmark)?

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Have you ever wondered which Danish political party you are? Answer these questions to find out whether you are a left wing progressive or ardent conservative or somewhere in between!

This quiz provides a range of questions on a number of social, economic and political issues with 9 potential results. Remember: this is only meant to be a light guide.

Created by: Dima of The Politics Zone
(your link here more info)
  1. The tax on the people who earn the most money must be kept.
  2. The government should spend more money, even if it means higher taxes.
  3. Denmark must do more to fight climate change.
  4. Unemployment benefits (money given to people who don't have a job) should be decreased?
  5. I think it should be easier to start a business in Denmark.
  6. There should be more choice between private and public hospitals in Denmark.
  7. Denmark should receive less refugees.
  8. It should be easier to become a Danish citizen.
  9. Denmark should leave the EU (European Union).
  10. Denmark must change the constitution.

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Quiz topic: Which Party am I (Denmark)?
