What type of Catholic are you?

Hearing all these terms about various factions in the Catholic Church? Wanting to know where you fit in? Looking for a quiz of this kind but cannot find one that is good? Perfect! This is the quiz for you! This is an updated version of a prior one, that intends to be more accurate in its results.

Are you a Traditionalist, a Conservative, or a Moderate? Or are you on the end of the spectrum, either as a Radical Traditionalist or Progressive? Are you a Catholic in good standing or one who needs to study more as well as be a bit more humble?

Created by: Tcurry
  1. What is your philosophical/theological outlook?
  2. What do you think of the papacy?
  3. Thoughts on Vatican II?
  4. Development of Doctrine or Evolution of Doctrine?
  5. Thoughts on Salvation & Hell?
  6. How should the Mass be celebrated?
  7. When it comes to the Church's moral teachings on abortion, LGBT issues, divorce/remarriage, and sexuality, I think...
  8. What should be done about pro-abortion Catholic politicians?
  9. Women Priests?
  10. Thoughts on Ecumenicalism?
  11. What should be the main priority of the Church right now?

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Quiz topic: What type of Catholic am I?
