What type of Catholic are you?

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This quiz will determine if you are a good catholic, great catholic, and etc. This quiz does not involve much thought in order to answer some questions.

There are four different outcomes. Amazing catholic. Good catholic. Pleasant catholic. Or, meh catholic. We hope that your result matches yourself as a catholic.

Created by: CatholicQuiz
  1. Do you like going to mass?
  2. Altar serving?
  3. Do you pay attention in mass?
  4. Do you do a lot of catholic related activities?
  5. Do you pray often/daily?
  6. Do you like to have catholic related conversations?
  7. Do you want a catholic related profession in the future?
  8. What is you favorite holiday?
  9. Do you ever get mad at God?
  10. Do you like being a Catholic?

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Quiz topic: What type of Catholic am I?
