Bake a cake and I will tell you if it was any good

Do you love baking? Wanna see what I think about a cake you make? Then just take this short 10-question quiz. It’s quick and easy. Doesn’t take much time. But it will help you when you are baking.

If you are disappointed about your result, I’m really sorry. My results could be a bit harsh. But I’m just being brutally honest. Hope your feelings will not be hurt. Im sure, even if you get the worst result, that every one has the ability to be a great baker. Just keep practicing and never give up. This quiz was never meant to put anyone down. It was to just give them some reliable results. Sorry if this paragraph was depressing. Happy baking!

Created by: Nunyabusiness
  1. What kind of cake is it?
  2. What kind of icing does it have?
  3. What shape is it?
  4. Any toppings?
  5. The next questions will be determined by fate. Some will not have any effect on the score, others will. Good luck! Pick your favorite color:
  6. Pick your favorite dog breed:
  7. Pick your favorite sport
  8. Pick the letter your first name starts with:
  9. Pick your favorite animal
  10. Last question: did you like this quiz? (No effect)

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