Zombie Survival Test {GOOD}

There are many dieseases out there but are you prepared or vacinated for a ZOMBIE ATTACK!! hi hihi jk jkj jkjkj lololololohasmat cake cake cake monkey BEE piggy

Do you have the physical and mental capabilitys to live through a zombie attack? ZOMBIE ATTACK!! hi hihi jk jkj jkjkj lololololohasmat cake cake cake monkey BEE piggy

Created by: Matt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you saw on the news that people were getting attacked what would you do?
  2. If you found out your friend or family got attacked would you...
  3. What Kind Of House do you live in.
  4. Do you own any weapons?
  5. Choose a household Object as a weapon.
  6. Do you shop Bulk {BJ's, Sams Club, etc.
  7. Choose a Building to hide in.
  8. Choose a gun.
  9. Where do you live?
  10. Who would you move around with?
  11. What Kind of Vehicle would you Drive
  12. You come across a Grocery store and you...
  13. Do you have any combat experience?
  14. How far are you from a food source?
  15. What is the best way to kill a Zombie?
  16. If you saw people fighting some zombies what would you do?
  17. If Your friend got bit by a zombie you would...

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