Which Is It Cake (S2) Character Are You?

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Hii! Welcome to my Is It Cake Too quiz. You can use this quiz to find out which contestant you are and it has a cool story so you should try it.Some of the descriptions may be inaccurate :(

Is It Cake? is an American game show–style cooking competition television series created by Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz, and hosted by Mikey Day. The series premiered on Netflix on March 18, 2022. Contestants create cakes that replicate common objects in an effort to trick celebrity judges. Winners of each episode receive $5,000 and a chance to win more money by identifying which display of cash is real and which is cake.

Created by: thecruelestmidnight
  1. You enter your house and the keys are gone, you find a few red dots on the ground and your brother’s missing. What do you think/do?
  2. Your neighbor rushes in to help you trace the trail, and it leads you to the park. Your neighbor asks you to stay calm while she calls the police. What do you do?
  3. A kid at the playground passes you a candy that’s covered in sand. Would you eat it?
  4. The kids want you to play with them, but you’re an adult so it might be weird. How would you react
  5. The police have finally arrived! They ask you for your favorite food. What is it?
  6. The police lead you to the spot where your brother was last seen at. It’s a shopping mall. Which shop are you drawn to the most?
  7. Obviously your brother is in the video games store.“Why were there blood stains?”“I was playing a prank on you!” He laughs. How do you feel?
  8. You and your brother have to decide what chores to do. Which do you choose?
  9. You’ve finished your chores and can finally watch tv. What show/movie will you pick?
  10. Mom reminds you that you need to pick your electives for 8th grade. What do you pick? (If you pick others the quiz may not be as accurate)

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Quiz topic: Which Is It Cake (S2) Character am I?

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